Hon. John T.  Akans, Publicity Secretary, PDP
How have the activities of the PDP on the Plateau been so far?
The PDP on the Plateau is very proactive and the leadership of the party is very determined to put things right in the interest of Plateau people. The leaders of the party at the state level are very united and we are determined to improve the party for political gains.

The PDP held reconciliation meeting recently, how well did the meeting go?

Very well! That meeting was the beginning of victory for the PDP in Plateau State. During the meeting, the movers and shakers of Plateau politics were present and we had very fruitful discussions and reconciliation. For instance, if you look at Sen. Nasiru Mantu and his antecedents, his impact was felt at the national level when he was the Deputy Senate President and he was able to build and develop the state irrespective of senatorial zone or any other affiliation. He did all these under the PDP. Jang remains the most performed elected governor in the state. Tapgun’s performances as a governor, minister and an Ambassador are there for all to see. Senator Useni’s achievement, most especially in the area of human empowerment speak for him. So also many others who attended that meeting. Now, these are people who still have the goodwill of the people of Plateau state and have decided to come together to champion the cause of the party.

I see that reconciliation meeting as a victory to us because some of these people , due to one reason or the other, worked against the PDP during the 2015 general elections and were instrumental to Lalong’s emergence, but now decided to work for the PDP again. When you compare this with what the APC is doing, then you see the big difference because APC is merely recycling its followers and tagging them decampees.

The day you had your reconciliation meeting was also the day the APC was busy at the Rwang Pam Township Stadium receiving defectors to its fold and it was reported that 343,190 PDP members decamped to the APC. What is your take on this?

Let me tell you something. The PDP as a party is people oriented and it was founded on the principles of accountability. The APC have been fumbling in many areas and as such, they are trying to copy from the PDP and sometimes, it is even laughable and pathetic. Whatever transpired at the Rwang Pam Township Stadium was merely a jamboree. Let me ask you as a journalist and a Plateau man, what is the capacity of that stadium? Can it carry this number they are claiming? For God's sake, this propaganda must stop because there is a limit to everything. What people want to see is good governance, leadership with respect to the rule of law. It is not about propaganda but protecting the interest of the people. Rather than concentrating on governance, they are still into politicking as though they are in the opposition.

The gathering of the PDP had quality people in attendance and these people, representing each of the LGAs came on their own without anybody sponsoring them because they have the interest of the State and the interest of PDP at heart. APC on the other hand went and hired people to come to the stadium. People were given free means of transportation and money to gather at the stadium but despite all that, they were not able to fill that stadium with the hired crowd. Take for example; in Bassa LGA which is very close to Jos, they were only able to mobilize a little above 100 people to the stadium. Majority of the people that were paid to occupy the stadium were from the streets of Jos Township.
Hon. John T. Akans 
Can you tell me of one new person that was received on that day? All the so called decampees are people that have been with the APC since 2015 or even before then. These are people who worked for the success of the APC during the last elections. Didn't Dariye work for the APC? Did the PDP win in Kanam? Is it Longjan, Diket Plang or Gagdi that did not work for APC in 2015? So, these people have been members of the APC for quiet sometimes. In fact, Longjan was sent out of the venue of a meeting during one of the PDP Stakeholder’s meetings in Qua'an Pan last year because they know the role he played during the 2015 elections in favour of the APC. These people were just liabilities to the PDP and the APC have just received political liabilities; let's see how much more they can contribute to the party. The electorates are tired of these kinds of people and they are merely looking for where they can pitch their tents for their selfish interests and not for the interests of the masses. Besides, how have these people affected their various communities positively?
From what I've learnt in my short sojourn in politics, the best way to test credibility is by staying in the opposition because if you are good, the people will support you no matter what. But these people are only trying to hide under government by saying government is doing this and that for us, so let's support government. The bottom line is, you can assist your community without being in government. We have seen people who use NGOs, their connections and even personal resources to develop their communities, so it doesn't have to be a government affair.

In this present age, these worn out politicians will not gain anything because the electorates are wiser now; they now rate leaders based on their previous performances and what that is on ground for them to see.

One of the issues raised by the decampees, especially Sen. Dariye and former Deputy Governor, Longjan is that they had to leave the PDP because it is a corrupt political party, what do you have to say about this?

Who is more fantastically corrupt than Dariye? We all know that his case is still pending with the EFCC. Since the time of Late Chief Solomon Lar to Tapgun and up to Jang, can you tell me which of these former Governors is having any case with the EFCC apart from Dariye? Is Dariye not the same person that jumped bail in London? So, why is he even talking about corruption when he is the chief of corruption?

You see, the era of politics of deceit is gone. If we must play politics today, we must play it with decorum, with respect to humanity and the rule of law and with respect for one another. Even in corruption, we have what we call 'moral corruption'. The Gagdi that is talking, is he not morally corrupt? Was he elected under the APC? Since he dumped PDP for the APC, that is moral corruption. The people are watching with keen interest and I thank God that they are more aware of their rights now more than before and they will definitely stand up against anyone who thinks he or she can play with their intelligence. We are patiently waiting for the Local Government elections and they will see what will happen.

How prepared is the PDP to offer credible opposition to the APC in Plateau State?

There is a proverb that says “When you see a lizard nodding its head, it does not necessarily mean that all is well”. So, when you see the APC shouting and saying we have received this and that, and this and that person as decamping, it does not mean that all is well. The truth is that all is not well with the APC. The PDP is well prepared and from our recent reconciliation meeting, it shows that the party is ready to reclaim power. Our leaders are now united and will henceforth speak with one voice. Former Governor Jang apologized to everyone during the meeting which shows that the man has realized that something went wrong; he is not selfish and he has apologized, not just to the PDP but to Plateau state as a whole. Even when we were inaugurating the various committees, Jang in his speech asked for forgiveness saying “Plateau forgives us for the mistakes that we have made”. The PDP is ready because this is the proper time that Plateau people need to be rescued from these people that want to sell our birthright and those who want to destroy this state. 

We all know that Jang did not abandon any project. As at the time he left office, all the projects were on-going with most of them near 80% completion. Now this man is here, even to complete this one road from Plateau Hospital Round About to Mararaban Ja'ama is a problem. The man has abandoned all the projects that Jang left on-going and did not start new ones. What exactly did he do with the N5bn loan and the N10bn bailout he got? What has he been doing with the monthly subvention he has been receiving since he assumed office? Now the state has gotten about N74bn from the Paris and London Clubs debt refunds which were paid into the UBA account; I have the account number with me. With all these money, yet he can't pay salaries and pension arrears?

We have a dossier of this government concerning its atrocities and we will release them at the appropriate time when elections are around the corner. We have to release them for Plateau people to see the havoc and the destruction Lalong and the APC have done to the people of the state.
But why do you have to wait till election period? Why not bring them out now to avoid further damage if what you are alleging is true?
That is why we are saying all these things now and advising them. When you are going to the war front, you don't release all your arsenals at the same time. We are also giving them the opportunity for them to be accountable to the people. Whether you like it or not, you must be accountable to the people because they elected you. They have to know what you are doing with their commonwealth.

The PDP has always provided the best for the people, both at the state and federal levels, but God allowed the APC to come to power so that the people can be able to differentiate between the two and it is already clear that the PDP is far better than any other association there is in Nigeria as of today judging by the testimonies of the people. As a party, we'll continue to follow these people to cement our relationship with them. As long as you believe in the democratic ideals, we'll work with you because the people must come first and everybody is important.

The LG elections may be conducted next year, how prepared is your party for the exercise?

When this government arbitrarily dissolved elected councils who were democratically elected by the masses; they destroyed that process of democracy at the grassroots level. The LGAs are the closest to the people and nearer than the state and federal governments. A chairman or a councilor is directly involved with his people but then, you went ahead to thwart that relationship. The people are watching.

We also know that the person he has put in Plateau State Independent Electoral Commission, PLASIEC, is someone who would be ready to do his biddings and we even learnt that PLASIEC would just announced a list sent to it declaring all APC candidates winners irrespective of the outcome of the elections. I want to say it out with a loud voice that the Lalong administration dare not cause another civil war in Plateau State if that allegation is true. I am giving out this warning taking into cognizance our previous experiences in the state. Government and PLASIEC should allow the will of the people to prevail. The selfish attitude of the Lalong administration should not be allowed to throw this state into turmoil. Allow the people of Plateau exercise their franchise during the Local Government elections so they can elect those they feel can deliver dividends of democracy to them.


We heard them saying that the PDP rigged elections so APC too will do the same thing and I want to say here without mincing words that the PDP did not rig any of the Local Government elections conducted during the period of Sen. Jonah David Jang as governor. Consequently, the wishes of the people prevailed. It just happened that there was no strong opposition as it is obvious that Plateau is a PDP state. The hardship people are currently going through and the unpopular policies of the APC administration is already working in our favour.

How can a governor of a state like Plateau agree to a policy like the grazing reserve in order to satisfy the interest of Mr President because he is not in his good books? Now, I heard they are trying to give it a different name and introduce it again to the State House of Assembly. We are waiting and I know that the people are waiting to defend their heritage even with the last drop of their blood. You cannot come up with a policy that will take our lands and hand them over to our enemies. Betrayal of people’s trust in this manner has never happened before in Plateau and I want to believe that the people will speak during upcoming LG elections.

I am warning Plateau State Independent Electoral Commission, PLASIEC and Governor Lalong, let them not try it. There will be war and a large scale crisis if free, fair and credible elections are not conducted. For the fact that he truncated the people’s mandate before now and the people kept quite does not make them fools more so that they have now realized that this administration has not only failed them but has put them in a very dangerous position because, it has never been this bad before.

Sir, what is the yardstick or indices for measuring free, fair and credible election?

Such an election must be conducted in an atmosphere of peace without rancor. The votes will be cast, collated and counted at every polling unit to the ward up to the Local Government levels with all the agents of various political parties witnessing. Thereafter, the declaration is made. It is very important to state here that the final result so declared must be a true reflection of what happened at the poling units. Anything short of this will not be tolerated. The security and PLASIEC must maintained high degree of impartiality providing level playing ground for all participants. PLASIEC and Security agents should not behave as if they are errand boys of the governor. It is only when these and other rules are observed and in the end electorates are satisfied over the conduct of the election then it can be said to be free, fair and credible. Thank God Lalong witnessed what happened in Rivers State during the just concluded re-run elections and Plateau people are more determined than Rivers people when it comes to issues like this more so with the current hardship. Even if he brings 30,000 security men in each of the LGA, it won't deter the people from protecting their votes. 
The opposition is supposed to keep the ruling government on its toes via constructive criticism to enhance performance and where the government has done well, should be commended. What is it that governor Lalong has done since he assumed office that is worth giving credit to?

Nothing! You are also capable of assessing him. What has he done? Is it packing our money to private pockets like what happened when he went to conduct election in Rivers and Ondo? Is it embezzling of funds meant for the development of the state?..............cuts

Sir, all these are allegations which I believe you can’t be able to substantiate can you?

It is no longer news. As a matter of fact, I am not the author of the above statement. It is Governor Wike and it was all over media and nobody has come out to debunk it. So, I will not praise him until he completes the roads and other projects initiated by my party, the PDP. Let him complete them since government is a continuous process. Paying salaries and pensions is not achievement. The people have worked for their money and as such, must be paid. It is their right and a duty on the part of the governor to pay salaries so; he is not doing them any favour. Besides, we all know the source of the money and the instructions from Mr President for the money to be used strictly for payment of salaries and pensions. We also know the lens of security agencies are focused on the governors to ensure judicious usage. So, why is Plateau State government making so much noise as if it is the government that sourced for the money for the payment of civil servants’ salaries?  

 To be fair to this administration, you know it has initiated some good policies and some projects are in the pipeline which if completed will definitely raise the status of the state economic wise, like the rehabilitation of the Jos main market, JIB, Highland bottling company and the  Bokkos fertilizer blending plant among others, is this not true? 

I still maintain that they have been in office for almost two years now but have not achieved anything. They are only good at media propaganda and celebrating intentions. We want to see what they claimed to have done on ground. Let the people see it, feel it and touch it. Let it have positive impacts on their lives. Let it change their fortunes. It is one thing to do and it is another thing to say I will do. The fertilizer blending plant in Bokkos, how many tones of fertilizer has it produced? Not even a single bag and you say you have revived the company? What exactly have they achieved in terms of infrastructure? Our agricultural sector is now in shams, even the vegetables we used to buy from ASTC are no longer on the streets for sale. When Lalong was sworn in, the first thing he said he will do is renovate the burnt terminus market but what is happening there now as we speak? Nothing! Is there anything going on in JIB? Nothing. Or is it the controversy that he has created at Pandam Games Reserve that we should be celebrating? It's not enough to say I will, let us see it first. So, there is nothing to praise this government for.

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