Gov. Lalong


By Joseph A. Adudu
08 February, 2018.

Works and Transport has taken the lion share of the Plateau State 2018 budget with an allocation to it of the sum of N18.8 billion representing 26.71% of the capital estimate Administration got the second largest allocation with the sum of N15billion representing 21.31% of the capital budget. Others are Education 11.9billion representing 16.92%, Health, 4.3billion representing 6.17%, Agriculture and Rural Development 4billion representing 5.7% lands, Housing and Urban Development 4billion representing 5.76%, Commerce and Industry N2.8billion representing 4.05%, Environment and Mineral Development 1.0billion and 1.1billion to Women Affairs, representing 1.63%. Other sector are; Judiciary, 1billion, Information 3billion and Tourism N354million. This was contained in a breakdown speech of the 2018 Plateau Budget read by the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance, Plateau State, Alhaji Sani A. Yahaya today at the conference Hall of Cabinet office Jos.
Perm Sec. Finance (M) flanked by other Permanent Secretaries 

According to the Permanent Secretary, the 2018 budget tagged “Budget of Rescue and consolidation” was aimed at consolidating on the gains and achievements of the Lalong administration adding that the budget estimate was projected based on Macro-Economic Variables from Medium Term Expenditure Frame (MTEF) and the Medium Term Sector Strategy (MTSS).

According to him, this year budget has a total size of N146billion and as usual, its implementation would still be anchored on the 5-pillar Policy Trust of the Lalong administration with emphasis on the completion of on-going Projects.
Dashe Arlat Chairman PSIRS with other directors at the occasion
Yahaya said that government has put in measures to enhance revenue generation of the State as well as reducing cost of governance through improvement in the revenue assessment collection and reporting process, expansion of personal income tax assessment for the formal and informal sectors, effective co-ordination of all MDAs revenue, Effective Revenue Enforcement and Compliance Audit and the Centralization of taxes and levies into single Treasury Account (TSA) throught the use of SMART Collect Platform, which has enhanced the revenue generation of the State and checked leakages and fraud in financial operations among other measures. He added that the state has also revamp the State Financial Management Information System (FMIS) by the implementation of an enhanced ICT System for administration and accounting for Public Funds in accordance with the IPSAS reporting stressing that this will eventually be used to manage the payroll system  thereby, enhancing accountability and transparency in revenue and expenditure management.
Cross section of Journalists at the event

He called on citizens to cooperate with revenue authorities and the task force in the payment of taxes and other levies adding that government on its part will continue to maintain zero tolerance for corruption and mismanagement by ensuring discipline in all financial transaction as it relates to managing the State’s lean resources and further warned that government will maintain its stand on dealing decisively with any citizen both in public and private sectors that try to frustrate efforts of revenue authorities and the task force.

He however, thanked the entire people of Plateau State and particularly members of the press for their continued support to the Rescue Administration.


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