Engage only CITN members as consultants: CITN President urges organizations.

CITN President (l) with Mrs. Ibilibor

Engage only CITN members as consultants: CITN President urges organizations.

By Joseph A. Adudu
September 3, 2019

Government establishment and organizations have been urged to engage only members of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria ( CITN), as tax consultants for professionalism and efficiency. This call was made by the President of CITN, Dame Gladys Olajumoke Simplice, (FCTI), when she visited some organizations in Jos recently. The president expressed her disenchantment with some organizations that have resorted to engaging unprofessional people as tax consultants to the detriment of members of the institute who are well trained, thereby, encouraging quackery. 
Dr Fashua, DG NCA, in a hand shake with the President CITN after the visit of the latter to his office recently

The CITN president was in Jos for the Mandatory Professional Training Program (MPTP) for its members. A day before the commencement of the training,  she visited some organizations she described as ‘ critical stake holders” which included; Nigerian College of Accountancy, Kwall, Bassa LGA, Federal Inland Revenue Service, (FIRS) Jos and the Plateau state Internal Revenue Service ( PSIRS). The president was accompanied by the CITN Chairman, Jos and District Society, Mr. Isaac Wadak and his EXCO.

Dame Olajumoke urged the heads of these organizations to implore their staff to participate actively in the activities of the CITN Jos & District Society stressing that active involvement in the activities of District Societies was a pre - condition for accessing some privileges from the Institute, including upgrade to fellowship and nomination to serve in committees of Council. At the Nigerian College of Accountancy, where the President was received by the Director- General of the College, Dr. Kayode Olushola Fashua ( a member and fellow of CITN) and his management team, said that Association of National
From Left: DG NCA, Dr. Fashua, President CITN, Dame Olujumoke and Chairman CITN, Jos & District Society, Isaac Wadak
Accountants of Nigeria ( ANAN), which is the parent institute of the College and CITN enjoyed cordial working relationship that is the envy of other professional institutes in Nigeria. " I am pleased to note that this College is headed by a member and fellow of  the CITN in your humble self. I congratulate on your appointment and wish you an eventful and progressive tenure as DG of this foremost Accountancy training institution in Nigeria".

She said that CITN has established a tax academy to run certificate programmes in specialized areas of taxation adding that presently, programmes are being run in collaboration with Regenesey Academy in Lagos but that on the long run, the institute has acquired a large expanse of land in Kwara state for the permanent site for the academy. Continuing, the President said, " in the same direction, Council has encouraged institutions desirous of partnering with us to deliver qualitative programmes. In recent times, we have entered into agreements with some professional institutes and universities for reciprocal programmes to achieve the twin purposes of capacity building and certification. 
CITN President with the representative of the Chairman PSBIRS, Dashe Arlat, Mrs. Salamatu Parlong receiving a gift from the president CITN during her visit to the Service on Monday.
"It is worthy of note that the CITN and ANAN have an existing Memorandum of Understanding on reciprocal membership. Indeed, we would be glad to initiate discussions with your college in areas where we can leverage on your experience to achieve success with the CITN Tax Academy."

The President commended the College for its support to the CITN Jos District adding that by extension, the CITN. She stated further that District Societies had the unique role of unifying and reaching out to members in the catchment area of the District. " The District Societies also have an important role to play in the area of tax awareness and education which is a missing link in our tax mobilization efforts as a country. I urge you to continue to support the District Society to enable it fulfill its mandate"
Cross Section of some EXCO members of CITN Jos and District Society at the Headquarters of  the PSIRS Jos. 

 The FIRS, where she was received by the Coordinator, Federal Engagement and Enlightenment Team ( FEET), Mrs. A. I Ibilibor, the CITN president said that the organization was her constituency adding that at the national level, FIRS has actively supported the institute's programmes and activities. " It is gratifying to note that FIRS gives a lot of attention to capacity building programmes for staff. It has always sponsored staff to our various programmes including the Annual Tax Conference, Mandatory Professional Training Programme and so on. During my recent visit to the chairman FIRS, I made a case for members of the CITN that are active members of District Societies to be given preference when nominations to the institute's programmes are being made. This is intended to encourage such members for their services to the institute", she said.
Some EXCO of CITN at the office of the DG NCA, Kwall

Olajumoke urged all the staff of FIRS especially CITN members to continue high level of professionalism in the conduct of their official duty stressing that it was the best way to exhibit themselves as tax professionals and also in projecting the institute. "The present administration has placed a lot of demand on FIRS as it concerns increased revenue generation through taxes. You should therefore play your part well. FIRS cannot meet its revenue projections if every staff of the organization does not contribute his/ her quota", the president stated. 
The Chairman of the Jos & District Society, Wadak, speaking at a dinner organised in honour of  the  CITN President at Crest Hotel Jos.

CITN according to its president runs specialized courses leading to the award of Certificate in Tax Audit & Investigation, Certificate in Transfer Pricing, Certificate in Tax Law and Certificate in Applied Taxation. She believed that with the support of FIRS, the institute will soar higher for the benefit of the tax profession and the Nigerian tax system and encouraged staff who are not CITN members to sit for it's examinations. The  CITN president further expressed her profound appreciation to management and staff of  PSIRS headed by Dashe Arlat for sustained support CITN has received towards the success of the programmes of the institute held over the years. “Your strong presence at the institute’s Annual Tax Conference over the years is worthy of commendation. This also applies to the MPTP and other programmes which you have always sponsored your staff that are members.
Dignitaries at the dinner 
 It is my prayer and best wishes that you will continue to surpass the revenue projections that have been set for the service." The president outlined CITN's expectations on areas for better partnership and collaboration that would benefit the tax profession, the CITN and the Nigerian tax system to include the need for inclusiveness and better cooperation on issues pertaining to tax administration and encouraging staff of PSIRS that are not CITN members to sit for the institute’s examinations. She said that the Joint Tax Board ( JTB) was becoming increasingly difficult to access by eligible staff of the various revenue service across the country in view of limited number of spaces available. "
CITN President, in a group Photograph  with DG NCA and his management staff

 In view of this reason, Council of the institute is considering providing an opportunity for staff of revenue boards that have not had the opportunity of undertaking the Joint Tax Board Final Final Inspector of Taxes Course to belong to the institute. This category of persons is expected to be involved in core tax functions and must have attained the position of Manager. Such persons will under go a three month online course being facilitated by the CITN Tax - Academy and thereafter, be eligible to be admitted as members of the CITN via direct membership," she said. 
In their separate responses, the DG, NCA, Coordinator, FEET, FIRS and the Chairman PSIRS who was represented by the Coordinated Director, General Administration, Mrs. Salamatu Parlong all promised to cooperate and partner with CITN towards the improvement of the Nigerian tax system for increased revenue yield. 

A dinner was organized in honor of the CITN President at the Crest Hotel Rayfield. The event also served as an opportunity for general discussions by stakeholders. The President has since returned to Lagos.

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