Message to President Buhari and Governor Lalong from Kompany Zurak Community

Message to President Buhari and Governor Lalong from Kompany Zurak Community

By Dickson Gupiya
November 29, 2018

A passionate appeal has been made to President Muhammadu Buhari and Governor Simon Bako Lalong by the Kampany Zurak Communuity in Wase Local Government area of Plateau to consider it a matter of urgent to re-open the mining site in the area managed by Solid Unit Nigeria Limited owned by Abdullahi Adamu popularly known as Dan China.

In an Exclusive chat with African Drum last week, the community noted that the appeal has become imperative taking into cognizance the tremendous impact Solid Unit through its mining activity has made in the lives of members of the community
Haruna Abubakar
All those who spoke to our man described the decision of the Federal Government to withdraw from court its charges earlier leveled against Dan China as a welcome and positive development but added that government needed to go a step further and order the re-opening of the site which has been the source of livelihood to almost all members of the community.

According to Haruna Abubakar, “we are happy with the decision of the Federal government to withdraw its case against Abdullahi Adamu. I almost gave up thinking that the APC government is also toeing the line of the PDP in the area of impunity.

I must tell you that I contemplated leaving the APC because we were all discouraged when we saw how Abdullahi Adamu was humiliated. But now that Government has rescinded its decision, we are happy. The next thing that needs to be done is to allow for the re-opening of the site.”

Also speaking, Haruna Nuhu, secretary Kompany Host Community Union said, “Dan China is our government. If you look around, there is no government presence in this community. I doubt if government even knows that we exists. They only time they remember us is during tax collection and other levies but when it comes to issue of development, we have never been remembered. This community was a jungle until the arrival of Dan China. Every bit of development you see in this community is through him. The mining activity by his company has empowered almost every member of this community”.
Bala Waziri
According to Nuhu, though mining activity has been going on in the area, it was done locally until Dan China through his company introduced modern mining method thereby, making company Zurak the centre of local economy activity and development because according to him, the community now is the most rapidly developed among its peers within the zone and has become the envy of other communities.

Corroborating Nuhu’s position, Muhammadu Ubandoma also said that thought mining in Kompany Zurak existed more than hundred years but it was done in crude and in an uncivilized manner until the arrival of Dan China which marked the turning point in the history of the community.

According to him, apart from cost effective that modern mining equipment offers, it also ensures safe working conditions for miners.

He also urged the government to consider it a duty to the community to re-open the site.
“Dan china has enhanced our economic capacity and unknowingly to this government, it has benefitted immensely from that. I know how much we spent in 2015 to ensure that Lalong and Maje won their elections. All these were made possible through the mining activity.

“We embarked on a vigorous campaign mobilization to ensure their success in 2015. I am a political bigwig in this community. In my house alone, I have more than 35 eligible voters under my control, not to talk of the larger political followership outside my home.
“I was sustaining this followership out of the proceeds from the activities in the mining site. Now that the site is closed, the implication is that our source of livelihood is also closed. Tell me, with this development, how do I approach the people and even convince them to vote for Buhari and Lalong again? They all witnessed what happened.
“They are aware. They all believe that Lalong and Maje are the architect of Dan China’s misfortune. We have tried our best to convince them that it is not so but they won’t believe.
“They would tell you they are not fools. So, to me, withdrawing the matter by the federal government is a good step. How ever, members of this community have not really convinced that the matter has been withdrawn from court and Dan china is free until activity resumes in the mining site.” He said.
In his words Muhammadu Ciroma, Chairman host community (Kompany Zurak) said Governor Simon Lalong owed it a duty to push for the re-opening of the mining site to strengthen the economic capacity of he community more so that the 2019 general elections is around the corner.

“Our appeal to Government is to order for the re-opening of the site so that it would strengthen our capacity for the campaigns towards the 2019 general elections. As a matter of fact, this government should not blame us if we turn our back against it as a result of its refusal to re-open the mining site. That’s just the truth and it is our sincere message to Buhari and Lalong. We have never felt the impact of any government. No administration ever recognizes us. Abdullahi Adamu is our government. It is as a result of his empowerment that enabled us campaigned for Buhari and Lalong in 2015. And now that our source of empowerment is closed, there is nothing we can do in 2019. So, I strongly advised that the mining site be re-opening.” Said  Ciroma.
Haruna Nuhu
In his submission Bala Waziri said that Dan china needed to be encouraged taking into account what he has done to the community,” Today, I understand that the representatives of the government, are here, I want them to take the message to Governor Lalong that probably through his effort, Dan china is released, what he needs to do now is to ensure that the mining site is re-open otherwise, we cant guarantee him our votes next year.”

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