Sen Useni

By Lovins Yakubu
September 08, 2018.

The purported endorsement of Sen. Jeremiah T. Useni by Tarok Elders Forum led by Selcan Miner as the sole aspirant for Tarok extraction for the 2019 gubernatorial election in Plateau State has been described as an attempt to create disaffection among the Tarok gubernatorial aspirants and by extension, the Tarok nation and placed the Tarok on a collision course with the rest of other ethnic nationalities in Plateau State.

This was the submission of the Tarok Progressive Youth Association (TAPYA) during a press conference at the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) press centre Jos.

TAPYA said that the Tarok Elders Forum hitherto inaugurated by the Ponzhi Tarok, His Royal Highness, Mr. Edward Cirdap Zhattau ( of blessed memory) was later disbanded by the paramount ruler in December 2008 and could not have issued a press statement on a “consensus aspirant” as far as gubernatorial aspiration of the Tarok nation was concerned.

The group, speaking through its President, Comrade Lohnan Samson, observed that the widespread condemnation that has greeted the press statement issued by the Tarok Elders has led credence to the fact that, if there was anything that such statement has attracted to the political standing of the Tarok nation was scorn with its attendant effect of whittling down the political clout of the nation. The group said it recognized and  respect the rights of the elders to peaceful assembly and association as well as freedom of expression as provided for in the constitution, however said that it would not stand idly by and watch as misleading information being deposited and peddled within the public domain., Speaking further, the group said

“we are not unaware of the fact that there are many gubernatorial aspirants of Tarok extraction who have picked up nomination forms of their various political parties; these include, among others: Mr. Godfrey Manzhi of the SDP, Mr. Nanzing Bako of the ANN, Senator Victor Lar, Senator Jeremiah Useni, Engineer Jimmy Cheto, Engineer Ponyak Ibrahim, all of the PDP etc.
“And as bona fide Tarok sons, we could not have jettisoned one for the other by way of endorsement, except where the aspirants themselves arrived at a consensus which would imply a voluntary withdrawal by the rest of the aspirants in recognition of the aspiration of one person, and not the coronation by a group of elders as is the instant case”.

TAPYA said that to the best of its knowledge, there was no time whereby the Plateau family resolved that the 2019 election was strictly a Tarok affair, as the earlier statement by some Tarok elders would suggest.

“Accordingly, we need not speak of the fact that the office of the Governor is open to all qualified indigenes of Plateau State and Nigerian citizens alike and cannot be the exclusive preserve of a given ethnic nationality to warrant the statement issued by the elders concerned.
“We hereby view that statement as nothing but an attempt to first of all create disaffection among the Tarok gubernatorial aspirants and by extension the Tarok nation, and secondly, the place us on a collision course with the rest of the ethnic nationalities in Plateau State”.

The group further observed that being critical stakeholders who would fight to the last to preserve the political future of the Tarok nation, it rejected any attempt to portray the Tarok nation as one that is set out to achieve a sinister ethnic agenda, as against the collective and engaging political approach that has, over time, defined Tarok as a people within the larger Plateau Political family.

“We need not speak of the grand design to hoodwink some political benefactors outside Plateau State into making financial donation to the cause of a Tarok consensus aspirant, as it is now public knowledge.

“However, we consider this medium apt in admonishing such benefactors that they would only be investing in an individual and not the Tarok cause, as all the gubernatorial aspirants of Tarok extraction are fully committed like never before, in canvassing for votes from the delegates of their respective political parties.

“In recognition of the fact that electoral victory in a democracy such as ours is determined by the garnering of majority votes, we would not be averse to working with anybody that will emerge as the Governor of Plateau State, as anything to contrary would be antithetical to the spirit of democracy”.

The group said it was not oblivious of the fact that some persons in their desperate bid to cause mischief would deliberately choose to interpret its position as one that is against the emergence of a Governor of Tarok extraction.
“Far from it! we hereby state in explicit terms that we are not against the emergence of a Tarok man as Governor come 2019, as aspirants of the Tarok extraction already on show are not short on the requisite qualification for that office; however, we must concede that in view of our electoral history and recent experience, our dream can only be realized with the support of the rest of the ethnic nationalities in Plateau State”.

TAPYA stated that being a youth socio-cultural group, it was very much aware of the numerous benefits of ethnic solidarity, but when the solidarity is such that will be inimical to the political future of not only the youth, but also that of the entire Tarok nation, it would not hesitate to send it crashing like a pack of cards.
TAPYA President, Cmrd Lohnan Samson reading the text of the press conference with other members of the association

“Following from the above, rather than wade into the murky waters of complex partisanship, we wish to call on this group of elders to bring their wealth of experience to bear by joining hands with other elders of the Tarok nation across board with the view of resolving the lingering impasse surrounding the paramount traditional chieftaincy stool of the Ponzhi Tarok. For us, that will mark the proper beginning of the journey to resolving our challenges as a nation”.

Consequently, the group called on all the people of Plateau State to disregard in all respects the statement issued by the Selcan Miner Led group regarding the endorsement of a consensus candidate.

Concluding, TAPYA said, “We cannot conclude this press conference without registering our deep appreciation to the coalition of ethnic nationalities on the Plateau which has never doubted the political astuteness of the Tarok nation. We assure you that we as one of the ethnic nationalities will continue to engage all of you on any matter that is of interest to the whole of Plateau State”.

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