Lai Mohammed

Recently, Lai Mohammed, the Minister of Information and Culture released lists of men and women that allegedly helped themselves to our common wealth. This development has no doubt heated the polity with series of comments from pundits for and against the FG’s decision. While many have been looking at this development from purely political angle, African Drum opted to speak to legal professionals on the legal implications.

18 April, 2018

The Pilot Newspaper recently revisited the work of the enlightened philosopher, Montesquieu who coined the phrase “trias politica”, or separation of powers, in his influential 18th-century work “Spirit of the Laws”.
          His concept of a government divided into legislative, executive and judicial branches acting independently of each other inspired contemporary constitutional democracy based on separation of powers which abhors concentrating too much power in any one body of government.
          James Madison writing on the necessity of the separation of powers noted that: “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elected, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”
Chief Odey
In line with the above, the question any right thinking Nigerian should be asking is simple: has the APC led federal government overstepped its constitutional bonds by coming out with a list which it says are looters of our treasury when none in the list has been found guilty by any court of law?
          By this very act by the APC-led federal government, has it not undermined the very principle upon which democracy is built? Does this not undermine the presumption of innocence until proven guilty?
Its truism that Justice system is based on the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Consequently, many observers are of the view that when a ruling government plays to the gallery and takes the bait of the opposition and publishes names of political opponents that have not been legally found guilty of looting the public treasury in a competent court of law, it amounts to a call to anarchy and a total disregard of the judicial arm of government.

Speaking to African Drum on the issue, a Jos based legal practitioner, Chief Sunday Gabriel Odey said some of the published names are persons who are already standing trial in different courts across the country and none of them have been convicted while some according to him have been acquitted by the courts stressing that some have not even been charged to any court on the allegation of looting the nation’s treasury. Odey continued, “it is therefore, extremely defamatory of the government to go to press with the names of people who have never been charged in court and names of those who are undergoing trial before the courts. The action of government is not only defamatory; it is also contemptuous of the courts where the trials are being conducted.
“The government is the prosecuting party in the corruption cases before the courts; it is therefore, impertinent of the same government to place the same accused persons on media trial. The government has not only prejudged the guilt of the accused persons but has afflicted them with double jeopardy. Government action in publishing names of suspected looters amounts to judicial ambush, a negation and infringement of the right to fair hearing.”
He said that an accused person is presumed under the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to be innocent of a crime until proven otherwise by a competent court of law established and constituted in such a manner as to ensure and guarantee its impartiality. The legal luminary further said that the action of government clearly points to a disposition of procuring a partial trial before the courts with a predetermined outcome of a guilty verdict upon their political opponent.
Chief Odey wondered why at a moment when Nigerians were awaiting the list of projects executed so far by the APC and Buhari led government, they decided instead to release lists of alleged treasury looters adding that all the names in the alleged lists were that of Buhari’s political opponents.
According to him, “the only reason why the government is resorting to this dirty tactics is because it has no projects on ground upon which they can draw up a list for presentation to Nigerians as their achievement over the period of three years in power. It’s a diversionary tactics in the run up to the 2019 elections”.

In his submission, another Jos based legal practitioner, Gyang Zi considered the conduct and attitude of the Buhari and APC led administration as immature, incompetent, insensitive, undisciplined and callous.
According to Zi, “this is not surprising however taking into account blatant disregard and violation of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, abuse of Powers, impunity as well as the extreme abuse of Human Rights that has inherently become a major characteristic of this Administration.
“It is elementary and trite that the Nigerian Constitution like all other Democratic Constitutions provides for fair hearing and presumption of innocence; See Section 36 (1) and (5) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended).”
He continued, “it is my firm position that for the Government to approach the Media without the Judiciary first hearing and convicting the purported persons on the "Looters List"; the government have violated the provisions of Section 36 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended).
“This is because the said persons whose names are already published as Looters have already been tried and convicted on Media and therefore render all proceedings that might be taken against them perverse due to impression that is already created in the minds of the people. The impression created in the minds of the people also puts the Judiciary in a very precarious and tight position when after proper trial (hearing) of the case the court finds that the truth based on evidence is different from what people have been made to believe on the Media.”
He concluded by advising and recommending that the Nigerian Government under the APC and President Muhammadu Buhari should be a responsible Government that has respect for its Citizens and the Rule of Law.
In his comment Barrister John Sok said there is no doubt that corruption has assumed a disturbing crescendo in Nigeria and to that extent, the fight against it has also become a matter of public interest amongst Nigerians irrespective of their faith, or geo-political deride.

Barr Zi
As to whether the Federal Government is right to have published what is now called the list of looters, i.e. the names of those who are thought to have plundered the nation’s economy, Sok said there are a few things involved here; “I think the list contained the names of those persons who have already been charged to court and their cases are still pending and those who have not been charged to court over the allegation.
“For those whose cases are pending in court, I think, legally speaking, it is contemptuous and subjudice for the Federal Government or any one for that matter to include their names and arrive at a conclusion that they are looters. They cannot be judges over their own cases. At least, the principles of separation of power forbids that kind of governance, as only the judicial arm, in this case the courts have the constitutional power to make such pronouncement. S. 36(5) of the 1999 constitution (as amended) states that, ‘Every person who is charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed to be innocent until he is proved guilty’.
He further submitted that those whose names are on the list and have been so pronounced as looters by the Federal Government though its Minister of Information and the pronouncement was widely communicated to the third party in this case, the Nigerian citizens according to him have every right to sue the Federal Government since they have not been charged to court.
 “They can sue for defamation or libel. I think one of them, Uche Secundus, has done that. However, any of them suing have to be very careful too because as it is said he who seeks equity must come with clean hands. In other words, it’s not just approaching the courts but you must not have skeletons in your cupboard because the Federal Government who will be defendants in the matter may have strong evidence against and would plead justification in their defence.

Barr Sok
“On the political aspect of the list, I think the Federal Government misjudged the feelings of Nigerians. It is true that the opposition PDP dared the APC Government to produce the list of the looters. Perhaps for some political expediency, the APC Government published only those of the opposition believing that Nigerians would not scrutinize the names from an equitable point of it. As you can see in both the social and traditional media, Nigerians have reacted to the list and have consigned the list as political and nothing more.
“For instance, they say the APC has become a safe haven for looters who want to avoid prosecution by the anti graft agencies but those who have vowed to remain in the opposition are the ones being prosecuted.
My take is that much as corrupt individuals should be prosecuted, the list so far released by the Federal Government is already tainted and has lost its credibility. The government should review it and be holistic to include those corrupt ones under it rather than embarking on media trial

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