MAY 29: Excitement in the air as Plateau awaits Mutfwang. By Gyang Bere


His Excellency, Barr. Caleb Mutfwang Plateau State Governor-Elect


As Plateau State gets set to usher into New Government House, Little Rayfield a new Executive Governor, His Excellency, Barr. Caleb Mutfwang, on May 29, 2023, the long awaited occasion presents a refreshing moment in the political journey of the state, premised on peace, unity for progressive Plateau.

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His emergence is timely and very crucial at this period that the walls of unity in Plateau are collapsing, and intolerance, which is alien to the people, has taken a fast lane in the last couples of years.

Observers of Plateau political and socio-cultural evolution, particularly from 2015, are stunned by this turn of events which has deprived the state the wise counsel of elders. 

This, among numerous challenges, constitute the task before Mutfwang who is better prepared with high sense of commitment to confront them headlong for a united Plateau, where citizens will identify their God-given vision and actualize their dreams of self economic reliance and contribute to the industrialization of Plateau.

Mutfwang is determined to close the widening cracks that have plunged the state into muddy waters, leaving behind songs of sorrow, agony, despair and excruciating pains among the people.

His political philosophy of rebuilding the broken walls of Plateau to pave way for a conducive atmosphere, where citizens will carry out their day-to-day activities devoid of impediment, has left no one in doubt that Plateau made a popular and the right choice.

His demonstration of competency, resilience and courageous leadership during and after the electioneering campaigns portray his readiness and determination to move Plateau forward on all fronts.

This gesture could be visualized in a manner in which he drove his campaign anchored on issues base, unity with utmost respect and tolerance for his Plateau brothers who were co-drivers in the race for the concluded and won election. 

Mutfwang has a clear-cut vision and wants a united, secured and progressive state and has offered himself to lead in the quest for the actualization of this dream to bequeath a modern Plateau. He has a real grasp of contemporary economic ideas and possesses  sound mind and leadership acumen required to turn around the ailing and deplorable Plateau economy.

Although, pundits believe that Mutfwang will inherit a battered economy from an inept administration that lack leadership acumen to build modern infrastructure that meet the taste and expectations of citizens, his posture after his declaration by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) was quite assuring that he has full grasp of the onerous task ahead of him.

He knows from the onset that in unity, Plateau stand to benefit a lot from the current political dispensation, which informed his determination to harness various ethnic nationality in the state under one umbrella to forge a common ground for unity in diversity in the interest of the people and the state in particular.

Mutfwang, who is sufficiently guided by the philosophical hypothesis of oneness, began his unifying agenda by extending an olive branch to his co-contestants with a view to work together to initiate ameliorating programmes that will drastically reduce division among the people, and strengthen the ties of brotherhood, unity and good governance in the overall interest of the state.

His public declaration that warmly made an inroad for both contestants of the keenly contested election to join hands with him in the rebuilding of Plateau State was described as a step in the right direction. This confirmed his intention of running an all inclusive government, where all shades of opinions would be sift and transform into policies to advance growth and development in the state.

The Plateau State Governor-elect has  chosen to tow the path of progress and honour by running a "people- centered" government where trust and confidence in the people would be sustained by speaking the truth at all times and in all occasions. Practical steps would be taken to match words with action to deliver the fruits of democracy in the collective interest of the people. 
Barr. Mutfwang has remained forthright even before hitting the ground in fulfilment of his "social contract" with Plateau people.

In his strategic plan for the state, pundits have predicated that his tenure, by the grace of God, will witness  economic rebirth, drastic reduction in poverty, unemployment and accelerated business under a conducive atmosphere.

He has the leadership cognitive and administrative capacity to successfully pilot a technologically modern economy in Plateau, anchored on unity of purpose.

For Plateau citizens who are misstep economically, Barr. Mutfwang has come with the mind-set of creating a conducive atmosphere, through friendly economic policies that will renewed hope of the traumatized business community in the state.
Importantly, he is determined to bring significant improvement in the energy and solid minerals sectors which informed his recent engagement with the Minister of Mines and Steel Development to bring life into the mining sector with a view to enhance economic growth in the state.

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Mutfwang's concept of leadership is different from what most Nigerian politicians profess. Going by the current situation where power has been turned into a shield only for those in authority and their family members, the Governor-elect view leadership as a moral burden that will empower him to protect the people. 

This resonates the concept of power by former President Goodluck Jonathan in his book "My Transition Hours". He said,  "I understand that power will protect you and enable you protect your charges. It will provide a shade from the blistering heat of the sun. When it is raining, you can use it as an umbrella to protect yourself and the people you meant to serve. And when you come to a river , you can convert it to a vessel that will help you and those who you lead to cross." 

Mutfwang believes in political ideology of selfless sacrifice for the prosperity of the people. 
The Governor-elect, who is a proponent of peace and Justice, is heartbroken with the alarming and atrocious level of insecurity currently ravaging Plateau. His quest to deploy the power available to him for the protection of the people has never been in doubt.

A glance through his strategic blueprint, it is an incontrovertible fact that the incoming administration will make appreciable progress in the management of insecurity in the state. 

His level of preparedness and readiness to harness and recruit experienced hunters and vigilante groups from rural communities and inject them into the revived "Operation Rainbow", a state security outfit to bring to bear their expertise in confronting bandit who inflicts pains and agony on innocent citizens is a novel idea that will earned support of every good citizen.

The TIME IS NOW for Plateau people to unite against insecurity, support leaders at all levels and pray for the incoming administration that is determined to impact Plateau positively on all fronts, in the collective interest of the people.

Arise now and join hands in the rebuilding of Plateau of our dream, THE TIME IS NOW. 

Bere is the Special Assistant on Media to Plateau State Governor-Elect, Barr. Caleb Mutfwang


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