Plateau Guber race: I will abolish school fees in Primary Schools and divide Plateau state into 400 economic zones- Godfrey Miri

Plateau Guber race: I will abolish school fees in Primary Schools and divide Plateau state into 400 economic zones- Godfrey Miri 

This is the concluding part of African Drum interview with Godfrey Miri, the Plateau state gubernatorial candidate under the platform of the Social Democratic Party (SDP). Happy reading.

Sir, taking a look at politics and democracy, would you say that has been a blessing or a curse to Plateau State? 

For now as far as I am concerned, the kind of politics that we play on the Plateau, it’s a curse. This is because we have allowed less than a hundred people to manipulate us for the past years and we know that. We also know who these people are. Look at Gov. Lalong’s team; the same people; the same sycophants who contributed in the down fall of Dariye. You see the same old group that has been projecting their interest in the past years. These are the characters you see around the governor today. 

The idea of Jerry Useni is all about money. He won the primaries with money. Everybody knows that without money he wouldn’t have won. So, he bribed the people the get the ticket. Do you want a corrupt leader? Useni himself admitted to the people of Nigeria that he is corrupt. When he was asked how he got the money for all the property he has; he said it was from the allocation of fuel given to him by Abacha. That shocked me yet the Christendom kept quiet. Here is somebody telling you that they were doing illegality because he was opportune to serve the nation. So, from day one, you see where his money was coming from. It was coming from corruption and the Bible says, money is the root of all evil. I once told Jang, Dariye and Sango in Jang’s house that I wanted the three of them to know that the sins of the father shall go for generations because that is what the Bible says and they are not exempted. If you ask for forgiveness you must pay restitution. But Jang even tried to have asked for forgiveness. Useni never asked for forgiveness from anybody. I am yet to hear Lalong ask for forgiveness from the people for Plateau. I contributed to his victory and he knows it. He knows the number of meetings that we held between some of us in the PDP and the religious leaders in other for him to emerge as a governor. He knows I was part of the coalition that brought him as a governor. And I did not stop there; I went to see him, sat with him for one and half hours and told him the problems of Plateau state and how to go about correcting them. When I finished, I gave him a ten – page write-up on the issue we just finished discussing with him. He got up and was very appreciative. I waited for one year before I started criticizing him. So, as I said earlier, the kind of politics that we play on the Plateau, I would say it’s a curse. 

Let’s look at this issue. It was alleged that you were one of those who brought thump printed ballot papers to Plateau which aided the victory of Jonah Jang in the 2011 governorship election. It is also said that because there are certain policies you wanted him to implement but he refused that is why you have fallen apart. What do you have to say on this? 

Anybody who told you that does not know what he is saying. From where? I never served as a REC in Plateau…. Cuts in…. 

It was said from Gombe. 

How can I bring it from Gombe when every ballot paper has the name of the State on it? How can I take ballot paper written Gombe and bring it to Plateau? It’s not possible. And how would I leave Gombe when I am conducting election? That is what people don’t understand. For your information I was the Resident Electoral Commissioner that was attacked in Gombe during the 2011 elections.

 What I did was very simple. When we went for a meeting in Abuja, the then REC in Plateau is from Gombe, and I, the REC in Gombe from Plateau. Now, Gombe with a population of 2.3 million had registered 850,000, voters while Plateau with a population of 3.4 million had registered slightly above 500,000 voters. So, I asked the REC, what is happening? He said to me it’s your people. I came to Jang; I asked him what is happening? I told him that the correct thing for you to do is to make sure you employ technical people for the Resident Electoral Commissioner, so that when the machines gets spoiled in the local Governments, they don’t need to put them in a car and bring them to Jos for repairs. That I did for Jang. The second thing I did for Jang was my refusal to support Pauline Tallen because I felt it was wrong of her to challenge her boss while she remains deputy Governor. That if she truly wants to challenge him, she should resign her position and contest against him. But for the stupid story that I brought ballot paper is clear that whoever said that does not know how elections are being conducted. Starting from 2011, you cannot even in the same state take the ballot paper of constituency A to constituency B because every constituency is clearly written and marked on each ballot paper so you cannot even transfer ballot paper from one polling unit to another polling unit let alone carrying the ballot paper from one state to another. All these lies they tell you about bringing ballot paper from other states however, it might surprise you that no state has ever recorded above 45 percent of its total registered voters. So, why are you carrying ballot paper from one state to another? 

The rate of poverty in Plateau State is very high. What policies do you have towards changing the story of poverty in Plateau in the event you are given the mandate to be Governor? 

First and foremost is to have an economic policy that would touch the lives of everybody. From 1999 till today, all the governors we had on the Plateau have been talking infrastructure, infrastructure because, that is where they can steal money. That is where they get their 30 percent kick-back. They are never interested in policies that would touch the lives of the people because no percentage comes from it. That is what has killed us. So, if I am given the mandate to be the governor of Plateau State, the first things I would do is to abolish school fees in all primary schools in the State. Second, I would feed the children of the poor in primary schools, one meal a day. That would create over 400 jobs. If you feed them it means women would be given jobs. Third, I would divide Plateau State into 400 economic zones of ten thousand people per economic zone. By doing that, you would remove tribalism and religious sentiment. I will have a stimulus package of six billion for the zones through the banks and not through government because anything that goes through ministries is stolen. I will use the private sector. I will re-organize PIPC. As a former Managing Director who was very successful, I understand how I can use that organization. The six billion naira would be share equally to all the 400 economic zones and I would provide a firm of chattered Accountants for each 20 Economic zones to guide them; an investment officer, one in every 20 economic zones to guide them because the biggest problem on the Plateau is lacking the entrepreneurship ability. So, these two groups are the ones to teach, to assist people. I would do that. Again, every contractor on the Plateau must channel 5 percent of the 30 percent mobilization fee to their social responsibility and if you add that in two years, there would be about 4-5 billion naira. I am an accountant, and I know that in other for the economy to grow, you must get people productive. I will not construct roads and streets in any of our towns with coal tar but with inter-locking stones. Go to Bayelsa, Lagos and other places. Roads are being done with inter-locking stones. We would employ youths in the quarry. We would employ youths in the factories that produce these stones. We would employ youths in laying the roads. Three, I would sell all government houses to the people living in them. The monies that I would be raised from that exercise, I would go into massive construction of houses on mortgage; I would work with the Federal Mortgage Bank. I have done that as a Managing Director, so, it’s not a new thing to me. You do that, you get people in the building industry. We must turn Plateau into a construction site with the little we have. You may ask; where would I get the money from? They don’t collect taxes on the Plateau. For every rented house, for every shop that you have in every village in Plateau you are suppose to pay government 10 percent of the rent as withholding tax. The entire landlords on the Plateau don’t pay that tax. I will collect it. Second;  certification of every profession. That is what Lagos state has done, that is what Ogun state has done. That for you to practice any profession on the Plateau, you must be certified. And of course, if you are certified, you paid for it and it is done annually which runs into billions of naira. You can imagine all the teachers, all the lawyers, all the doctors, all the plumbers, all the electricians all the engineers all the profession being certified. In Lagos, even if you are selling ground nuts, you are certified because they collect taxes from that. So, the problem is that we have people who have no idea of how to succeed in doing anything. All of those who have been governors all they have learnt is to spent and spent. They have never thought of creating wealth. We consume alcohol on the plateau. There is no reason why Plateau State should not be working towards raising enough internally generated revenue that can meet its over head cost and salaries of staff so that whatever that comes from Abuja goes into other projects and the development of our people. Good, introduce the consumption tax on alcohol and cigarette but you don’t collect it from the poor hoteliers, rather, you collect it directly from wholesalers. This is as simple as ABC. I have done it. 

I have succeeded in starting a company and turning it into a multi-billion naira company. That’s what you need to do with Plateau state. There is a lot of money on the Plateau. Mining too has not been fully tapped because our people don’t have the initial capital. It is the responsible of Government to provide them with capital. For God’s sake, Barrack Obama took 1.3 trillion dollars and pumped into the economy as stimulus for America to come out of recession. What is stimulus? Taking government money and given it out to the private sector in other to boost production. Without our people being productive, there is no way Plateau State will change.


Thank you very much Sir,

You are most welcome.

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