Plateau Gube race 2019: Both Lalong and Useni are failures as none of them has ever created wealth. But I have what it takes to move Plateau forward- Godfrey Miri.

Plateau Gube race 2019: Both Lalong and Useni are failures as none of them has ever created wealth. But I have what it takes to move Plateau forward- Godfrey Miri.
Godfrey Miri is a retired Public Servant and a politician. He is the Plateau state gubernatorial candidate of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) for the 2019 general elections. Recently, he told African Drum that Gov. Lalong and Sen Useni, (the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP) candidate for the election are failures and their money cannot deliver them either as the electorates are wiser now. Please, enjoy the excerpts.
Sir, we understand you are contesting for Plateau state Governorship position under the platform of the SDP, what really prompted you to contesting for the exalted office?

I had no intention what so ever to contest any election. A group comprising of both Christian and Muslim youths came and met me and said to me; sir, we have been listening to you on our radio stations in the last three and half years. We see you as an honest man who is not afraid to say his mind and you have challenged us to be the architect of our destinies. We have listened to you. But we want you to lead us for the next four years so that we can be under somebody who we can trust so that the next generation would be able to take off thereafter. I told them I don’t have money because politics on the Plateau is about money. They asked me; do you have faith? I said yes, I have faith. They told me if I have faith that is all. They asked me again, how much did Dariye, Jang and Lalong have when they contested the governorship? Sir, come out, we believe God Almighty will listen to us and some where some how, we would prosecute this election. So, I said fine, if you are talking of faith and that you the youth are committed to take your destines into your hand, then for God’s sake I am ready to lead you in the next four years otherwise, I am happy in my retirement. This is how I was dragged into this. Again, they told me that theirs is not just politics but a movement for total change on the Plateau. The youth also said they wanted a different party other than the APC and the PDP as a platform to contest the election to effect the desired change. So I asked of the party and they said SDP. They also advised that I should go and see Jerry Gana. To my biggest surprise, when I went to Jerry Gana, do you know what he told me? He said they wanted to suppress SDP on the Plateau. And I asked him why?  He said because their friend, Jerry Useni was going to be the governorship candidate of the PDP. That is six months before the party primaries; they had already taken that decision. So, I asked him who and who on the Plateau? He said to me, professor Lombin, Danjuma Maina and Bulus Dareng. That they were the ones they handed SDP to on the Plateau so they can suppress it to allow PDP Jerry Useni wins the governorship of Plateau. Professor Jerry Gana told me this. I was not alone; I was with three other people. And I said to him, you must be dreaming Prof.  for any one of you to think General Useni would win governorship of Plateau, because the youth of Plateau would say no to it. He said well, he would allow us go into the race but he would not come to Plateau because he wouldn’t want to be seen as destroying the ambition of his friend. So, I said to him, we don’t need you on the Plateau because it’s a settle issue that the youths are prepared to fight for their destinies. That is how I got myself into the current situation. And I am not afraid because for the first time, I am going to challenge the people of Plateau. We have all along been saying we are Christians. We pray more than any other state in the country. And I have always told people, why is it that God has not listened to us with all the prayers going on? It’s because the prayers never based in truth but on lies. We know what our problems are. I believe looking for governorship is like going for an interview. You go with your CV, your experience; what you have done in life as a person.

So, do you think you have what it takes to challenge General Useni?

If it is in terms of my contribution to Plateau state, Jerry Useni doesn’t come near me. Let’s all bring out what we have contributed towards the growth of Plateau and let the people judge. What has Jerry Useni ever created or done?. I worked under him when I was the MD of Abuja investment Company. He gave me only one hundred and fifty million naira to start the company. With that one hundred million naira, I turned the Abuja investment and today, it is a multi-billion naira business. He can’t deny it. Aso savings and loan which is quoted on the stock exchange; I started it in 1995 with only twenty-five million naira. Today, it employs hundreds of people and its involvement in the mortgage industry in the country is also well known. Literally, every civil servant in Abuja who got a loan to buy a house, Aso savings and loan gave them. I created that company. The Garki Model Market you see is my hand work. I created the company that built Garki Model Market. So, I have been tested. As a manager, I know how to create wealth. Creation of wealth gives employment. Let Jerry tells me where he has created wealth for employment. Let Lalong tell me what he has also done in that direction. When it comes to economics, none of them understands how the economy of the state is and how to grow it. None of them knows how to come out with policies that would touch the lives of every individual living on the Plateau so that tribe and religion become secondary issue, because both religion and tribe doesn’t contribute to how you live your life. So, why are we bringing issues that have no thing to do with how we live our lives? Let’s talk economy. How do we grow the economy of Plateau so that the poor man in the village would be able to meet his basic need of at least two meals a day; carter for his children’s needs just like it was before. My father was a carpenter but he was able to carter for us. Today, my elder brother is a medical doctor. My twin brother is a medical doctor; my younger sister is a professor, I am an accountant, all children of a carpenter. It all happened because back in those days, the system was working and government created the enabling environment and gave people the opportunity to develop themselves so as to achieve their ambitions. Today, that’s not what our kids are having. I went to secondary school where I was given pocket money. When I am returning home, I am given transport fare. Today, the children of the poor in the university are given five thousand naira only as scholarship. Is that right? Meanwhile, Senator Useni collects twenty-five million every month. Out of this amount, how much does he gives to the poor? Does he even need that twenty-five million naira with all the positions he has held in life? His children are all grown up. What does he needs that money for? I respect Useni as an elder statesman that is all. His time has passed. This is 21st century and you don’t expect an 80 year old man to lead you in 21st century.

The issue of money is key as far as politics is concern. How do you intend to overcome that factor taking into account that you are contesting against the incumbent; that is Gov. Lalong and Senator Useni which you too just confirmed that he has so much money?

The issue or many factor has already be taken care of in 2015 selections that brought Lalong on board. Jang spent over 7 billion naira to install the late GNS. Did he succeed? Did he win? How much did Lalong have? Did he win? Yes. That is to tell you that people are beginning to say no to money politics. Ask yourself, whether you are a Christian or Muslim, why would a politician give you money to vote for him. Why would he give you money?  If a politician actually knows your pains and what your problems are  and also claims to have the solutions to your problems and the ability to change your life style, why then is he give you money to help you? If you are truly in politics to serve, then you have no business given people money. You actually need money in politics; for rallies, transportation and for entertainment. That’s what you need money for. Kennedy once said, in politics, you need money, money, money money, money but the money is not for individuals. The money is to mobilize people, for rallies and souvenir, transportation and for entertainment that’s all you need money for as far as politics is concerned. If you ever give somebody money to vote you, that is bribery and bribery is corruption. And once you get yourself in corruption, it goes on because it’s a circle. I believe well meaning people of Plateau State would help us. We don’t need their money but souvenir, vehicles for transportation and other material that’s all we need. But we would not give anybody money because, we are not corrupt. Ours is a movement.

Sir, it’s on record that those that contested elections in the 60s, 70s and in the 80s, hadn’t money but whatever they spent in the execution of their elections by those who believed that they can deliver and they actually delivered what happened thereafter that money suddenly became a factor that a contestant has to have so much money before he or she can get the votes of the electorates?

I don’t believe that. We in Plateau state have proved to the world that money meant nothing to the electorates. It happened in 2015 and even before then. I was the campaign chairman of Bagudu Hirse campaign organization of the defunct NRC. I tell you from the primaries to the main election, we contributed money to run that election. Tapgun was from the civil service contesting under SDP and the civil servants rigged that election for Tapgun because then, the electoral umpire used civil servants to manned elections and if the civil servants are with you, then you are sure of winning the election.

However, this time around, I believe the people have suffered and learnt their lessons the hard way, because Lalong has missed it. The people of Plateau State came together to elect him but he has not carried the people along. He should have governed the people as a team. We all know that ordinarily, APC as a party couldn’t have gone anywhere but because we rebelled. We told Jang that you can’t impose your will on the people of Plateau and Lalong won the election. Consequently, we are also going to prove this time around that money cannot buy the eletorates during the next election but what you know; what your past has been and what your history has been would definitely determine who wins the next election.

The concluding part of this interview comes tomorrow. Watch out.

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