I have a zeal for grass roots development- Dr. Ado Abubakar

Dr Ado Abubakar
 I have a zeal for grass roots development- Dr. Ado Abubakar

Ado Abubakar is a Surgeon and the current executive Chairman of Wase Local Government Council. Recently, he spoke with African Drum on why he abandoned his medical profession for politics and his plans for the people of Wase. Enjoy the excerpts.

Sir, what are the problems you inherited?

As usual when you take over governance from a predecessor, you are likely going to inherit both liabilities and assets. So, we have inherited a lot of on-going projects at the grass root; we have inherited a lot of programmes introduced at the grass roots by Federal, State and the Local Governments.

You are more than a month in office; have you perfected ways of curtailing these problems?

The first assignment ahead of us actually is to constitute a Council. What I mean is to have full legislative and executive arms of the council. So far, we have inaugurated the legislative arm and its leadership is already in place. We have sworn-in our supervisory councilors but we are yet to appoint advisers and other political appointments. We have constituted a team to look at the challenges we met on ground and to look at the resources at our disposal to give us a direction on how we can tackle the issues within these three months before the end of the year. We are also planning towards the general elections scheduled to take place in February next year. We are in the process of doing our own budget for 2019. So, these are the three issues that have pre-occupied our minds at the moment.

What really prompted you to contest for the Chairmanship position and what is your blue print for the people of Wase?

What prompted me to go into politics generally is the zeal that I have for grass root development. I don’t want to be a pessimist who always sits on the sideline and complain of what goes on at the centre and that is why I decided to abandoned what I so much love (which is my profession, I am a surgeon) and go into the turbulent waters of politics. Its all about the love that I have for grassroots development. We started right from the time when I was chairman of management committee where I did a lot of protects in my local Government which I can’t list them all now because of time. But I want to assure you that we are going to continue from there and make sure that we touch the lives of our people positively.

Can you just be specific by mentioning just two of your programmes for the people of Wase?

Well, number, I would want to strengthen our infrastructures, our facilities particularly in terms of health care delivery? We have a total of about 56 primary and comprehensive health centres. I intend to actually improve on the services rendered by these centres to our people. I also intend to do a lot of intervention programmes for the youths and women because Wase is one of the Local Government areas in Plateau State that has suffered from crises and whenever there is crisis, the youth and women are always the people at the receiving end. So, since we have been able to restore peaceful co-existence in our communities, the next task actually is to introduce some social intervention programmes alongside those that are introduced by the Federal and State governments so that we can at least revived the livelihood of our people.
Thirdly, my community is largely agrarian and I intend to go into farming and cattle rearing, (It’s not the local government doing that per se) but the local government is to bring-in policies that will improve in these two areas. This, I am sure is going to have a very enormous impact in our local economy. Finally on this, I would also like to block the loopholes that we have in our revenue generation system. And I believe that will go a long way to improving our sources of revenue for development.

The general election is just about three months from now. What are the plans on ground to ensure that your party, the All Progressive Congress wins?

Well, if you look at what we had in the last local government election, you will know that my party, the All Progressive Congress has improved tremendously in Wase. The gab between me and my opponent was more than the gap Buhari gave Goodluck Jonathan in 2015 in Wase. It was the highest. However, mine is the highest now. So, there is great improvement and we hope to have wider gap in the general elections next year.

Sir, the issue of local Government autonomy has been bordering the people at the grassroots. Now that you have come on board as P.R.O. of ALGON, how do you intend to synergize or brain storm to ensure that local Government autonomy see the light of the day?

Local Government Council as provided for in our statutes book is under the state Assembly. I am aware that before now, there have been agitations for autonomy for not only the local Government but also for the legislature which they have secured. I feel that the more devolution of powers from the centre to the periphery our democracy is able to achieved, the more dividends of democracy to the grassroots and I am sure the people of Nigeria would speak with one voice on this an it will surely come to pass.

As a medical personnel, what plans do you have for your people at the grass roots with regards to Health insurance scheme since the state is already keyed to the policy?

If you look at the Health Insurance Scheme, it’s a system that has been tested over decades in developed worlds. And let me tell you, a common man affords very expensive medical treatment regardless of his economic status simply because of the scheme which is all over Europe and America. I think if we are able to strengthen our own, we are also empowering the ability of the common man on the street particularly in our rural areas to afford very expensive treatment that ordinarily would not able to afford through his pocket. That is the advantage of the scheme. It’s a pool from where monies can be paid for treatment of individuals and it is contributed over a long period of time. Some of the contributors might not even benefit but they have regularly contributed. It is for this reason that a common man can be able to pay his bills despite the fact that his in-come or earnings would not be able to take if he were to pay from his pocket. That is the importance of the Health Insurance Scheme world-wide and we also welcome it. I am sure it has been tested at the Federal level particularly on Federal Civil Servants and now some states are embarking on that from their staff and I am sure, the target of the Nigeria Medical Association is actually to ensure every one in Nigeria benefits and not only public or civil servants and I am sure they will hit that target in the course of time.

In terms of water supply, your local Government has a little challenge which previous administrations could not overcome. Now that you have been given the opportunity, how do you intend to tackle this problem?

To say that the problem of water supply in Wase is little is an under statement. It is a very big problem. But I am sure that with the inputs from various tiers of Government, we would overcome the problem. I am aware even my member in the House of Representatives was able to mobilize for many sources for us and we have been able to get a lot of bore-holes, both motorized and hand-pump; dams both water for Agricultural development and for consumption and I think he has done much in that regard. But because of extend of lack of water in Wase that has not been enough. Even at the Local Government level, we have done quite a lot and now we are also getting another source which is going to be through the Ranching Programme (you know Wase and Kanam are the two Local Government choosing for the pilot scheme of the ranching programme in Plateau State) It is a federal government and a comprehensive developmental project that involves not only water for animal husbandry but also water for public consumption. So, I believe through that, we would also have a lot of input into our local Government areas. I also have in my budget quite a number of bore holes to be cited across the length and breathe of the local government.

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