… SAN Accused Of Fraud

The Jos branch of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) has been enmeshed in squabbles as some members of the Bar have been accused of fraud. Our investigation shows that the can of worms was opened by Barrister Garba D. Yusuf and Barrister Yusuf Ali when they petitioned the Chairman of the NBA, Jos branch over what they described as fraudulent activity of five other lawyers and copied the Plateau State Commissioner of Police, the Director, Directorate of State Security Services (DSS) and the Secretary of the NBA, Pankshin branch respectively.

The petitioned, entitled “Re: Plateau State APC Legal Team. A Petition, 2015 Tribunals Engagement and Failure to Pay Legal Fees – Need to Invite Five Members on Sharing One Hundred Million Naira (N100,000,000.00)”, reads in part:

“We are solicitors of the Private Bar based and practicing in Jos, hereinafter called “the solicitors” and wish to complain to you and equally apply as follows:

“a) During the 2015 General Elections that saw the emergence of Hon. Simon Bako Lalong as the Executive Governor of plateau State, and other APC State and National Assembly members, there was a constituted Legal Team by Hon. Jonathan Mawuyau, where we served on the various Tribunals to the end, without payments;

“b) On or about the 21st April 2016, you recall some of the affected solicitors were invited by you in your humble office where Hon. Garba S. Pwul (SAN) revealed to us that Hon. Simon Bako Lalong released a total sum of One Hundred Million Naira (N100,000,000.00) only for disbursement to the affected solicitors wherein he gave out the said amount to five (5) people for effective sharing to the affected solicitors;

“c) During the said meeting, it was made clear that the said five (5) people shared the One Hundred Million Naira (N100,000,000.00) using their discretion, wherein we rejected the said discretion, as stated by H. S. Hazard (Esq.);

“d) Upon the revelations in paragraphs (b) and (c) above, we humbly petition that you invite the five people (Lawyers) involved to your office so that we shall be shown the mode of sharing including the TOKEN said to be given to Hon. Garba S. Pwul (SAN) “as the African Tradition” so encouraged them to do so;

“e) You may kindly act as we apply within a short time of about 7 days from the date of the receipt of this letter.

“f) The five people to be invited are:
i. Jim Gotom (Esq.)
ii. A. B. Bako (Esq.)
iii. Steve T. Abar (Esq.)
iv. H. S. Hazard (Esq.)
v. O. S. Westley a.k.a. Chaka (Esq.)
“Thank you for your anticipated cooperation, as we equally say we SHALL pursue the issue to the end no matter what will happen.”

African Drum investigation further reveals that while the issue was still being sorted out, one of the accused, Barrister Steve Abar, was nominated by Governor Simon Bako Lalong to serve as member of the Plateau State Judicial Service Commission, a development that prompted barrister Yusuph D. Garba to petition the Plateau State House of Assembly on the matter.

The petition, which was addressed to the Speaker through the Clerk of the House, was entitled: “Re: Nomination of Steve Abbar (Esq.) to the Plateau State Judicial Service Commission – Petition Against Him”. It reads:

“I am a practicing Solicitor at No. 4 Yingi, Rayfield Road, Jos, Plateau State, and equally an indigene of this state from Kanam Local Government Area (LGA).

“By reasons of the need to stamp out every element of corruption in Public Systems, and by my belief and conviction in the present Government’s intention and arrangements to fight corrupt practices, I petition that this Hallowed House of Assembly does not consider BARRISTER STEVE ABBAR who is from Benue State to the membership of the Plateau State Judicial Service Commission.

“It is known that the Executive Governor of Plateau State, Hon. Barrister Simon Bako Lalong, sent to this Honourable House nominees for due consideration by this House against the 3rd day of November, 2016. The names of STEVE ABBAR are sent for screening and possible confirmation, and my reasons for the PETITION against him include:

“a) STEVE ABBAR (ESQ.) is one of the six (6) Lawyers who defrauded over fifty (50) other Lawyers of N100,000,000.00 (One Hundred Million Naira) meant to partly pay those said Lawyers for handling All Progressives Congress (APC) Election Matters at the 2015 Election Tribunal Cases. He led the fraudulent subject of that action, along with:

i. Garba Pwul (SAN)
ii. Jim Gotom Esq.
iii. A. B. Bako Esq.
iv. H. S. Hazard Esq.
v. O. S. Westly Esq. a.k.a. CHAKA

“This information is supported by a Petition to the Jos Nigerian Bar Association Chairman, and copied Security Bodies in the State. Photocopies are annexed for your consideration.

“b) By the antecedents of STEVE ABBAR, it is noteworthy to consider the fact that there are many qualified indigenous Lawyers of Plateau State who know the working problems of the State Judiciary and who can check these problems and proffer excellent solutions to them.

“Honourable Gentlemen of the House, my PETITION is just, and I can come to the floor of this Honourable House and defend this document (PETITION).

“The fraudulent conduct of STEVE ABBAR and the other five (5) Lawyers, against the over fifty (50) Lawyers as in above has created an impending litigation against this APC led Government of Plateau State.

“I thank this Honourable House of Assemble (sic) for taking all pains to understanding me.”
This petition, from our investigation, did not go down well with the accused and appeared to be the last straw that broke the camel’s back as revealed by the immediate reaction of the accused, who threatened legal action.

The first to react was Garba Pwul (SAN) who described Yusuph’s letter as an attempt to destroy his hard-earned reputation and demanded an unconditional and unreserved apology, adding that failure to do so would leave him with no option than to seek legal redress.

In a demand letter to Yusuph from G. S. Pwul (SAN) and Partners of Ishamtu Memorial Chambers, No. 34, West of Mines, Jos, entitled, “Demand for Immediate Retraction of Defamatory Publication Against Chief Garba S. Pwul, SAN” and signed by V. M. G. Pwul, Esq., it reads:

“We write on behalf of Chief Garba S. Pwul, SAN, FCIArb, hereinafter referred to as “our Client”.
“On 2nd November, 2016, you addressed a petition to the Hon. Speaker, Plateau State House of Assembly, through the Clerk of the House, against Steve Abar, Esq. In the said petition you wrote of, and concerning, our client the following words:

“a) STEVE ABBAR (ESQ.) is one of the six (6) Lawyers who defrauded over fifty (50) other Lawyers of N100,000,000.00 (One Hundred Million Naira) meant to partly pay those said Lawyers for handling All Progressives Congress (APC) Election Matters at the 2015 Election Tribunal Cases. He led the fraudulent subject of that action, along with:

i. Garba Pwul (SAN)
ii. Jim Gotom Esq.
iii. A. B. Bako Esq.
iv. H. S. Hazard Esq.
v. O. S. Westley Esq. a.k.a. CHAKA

“The fraudulent conduct of Steve Abbar and the other five (5) Lawyers, against the over fifty (50) Lawyers as in above has created an impending litigation against this APC led Government of Plateau State.

“By the above quoted words you have defamed our Client in his person and his profession as a legal practitioner, and have thereby lowered his reputation in the eyes of reasonable and right-thinking members of the society, particularly the person to whom your letter was addressed, members of the Plateau State House of Assembly whom were given copies of your letter and members of the Nigerian Bar Association.

“Our client has instructed us to and we hereby demand, that within 14 days of your receipt of this letter, you tender an unconditional and unreserved apology to our Client, and copy same to:

(i) the Executive Governor of Plateau State;
(ii) the Plateau State Ministry of Justice;
(iii) the Plateau State House of Assembly; and
(iv) the Nigerian Bar Association, Jos Branch.

“Failure to meet the demand hereinbefore stated within the prescribed time frame will leave us no option but to proceed against you in a law court to protect the hard earned reputation of our Client. In the event of a court action, our client’s demand will in addition to the above demand, seek damages and other remedies legally available to him.”

The following day, Barr. Yusuph received another demand letter from H. S. Ardzard, Esq. demanding for one hundred million naira (N100,000,000.00) as damages for defamation of his character. In his letter dated 16th November, 2016 entitled: “Your Defamatory Letter Against My Person and Demand for Immediate Retraction and Apology” and signed by H. S. Ardzard, Esq. of H. S. Ardzard & Co. of No. 5, Kashim Ibrahim Street, Jos, he stated:

“I am in receipt of a letter dated 4th November, 2016 from the Government of Plateau State to which was attached three different correspondences authored by you which were forwarded to me for my response to the allegations raised therein. These correspondences are as follows:

“1. Letter on the letterhead of Binchen Jantur & Co. dated 26th April 2016 addressed to the Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association titled: “Re: Plateau State A.P.C. Legal Team: A Petition, 2015 Tribunals Engagement and Failure to Pay Legal Fees – Need to Invite Five Members on Sharing One Hundred Million Naira (N100,000,000.00) wherein you alleged that in the aftermath of the 2015 General Election in Plateau State, there was a Legal Team constituted by Hon. Jonathan Mawiyau where you “served on the various Tribunals to the end without payments” and that the Learned Garba S. Pwul (SAN) revealed to you at a forum that Hon. Simon Bako Lalong released a total sum of One Hundred Million Naira (N100,000,000.00) which sum was allegedly given to five (5) persons including my humble self for sharing but which purported mode of sharing was never explained to you.

“The letter which was copied inter alia to (1) The Director, Department of State Services (DSS) Plateau State Command and (2) The Commissioner of Police, Plateau State Command is not only fraught with innuendos but is also defamatory to my person.

“The innuendos in the said letter is that I was part of a group of five (5) persons who was given the sum of N100,000,000.00 by Hon. Simon Bako Lalong to share to a Legal Team constituted by Hon. Jonathan Mawiyau which represented Hon. Simon Bako Lalong and other A.P.C. State and National Assembly members in various Tribunals and that the said sum was shared devoid of honesty and transparency.
“For the avoidance of doubt may I state that at no time whatsoever did I whether as individual or in a group receive the sum of N100,000,000 or any sum at all from Hon. Simon Bako Lalong or from any other person to share to a Legal Team constituted by Hon. Jonathan Mawiyau which purportedly represented Hon. Simon Bako Lalong or any other A.P.C. State and National Assembly Members in any Tribunal.

“2. Two (2) Nos. Letters on the letterhead of Maren & Yusuph Solicitors/Consultants dated 2nd November 2016 and 3rd November 2016 respectively both addressed to the Honourable Speaker, Plateau State House of Assembly through the Clerk of the House titled: Re: Nomination of Steve Abbar (sic) (Esq.) to the Plateau State Judicial Service Commission – Petition Against Him wherein you inter alia alleged that I together with five (5) other distinguished lawyers “defrauded over fifty (50) other lawyers of N100,000,000 meant to partly pay those said lawyers for handling All Progressive Congress (APC) Election Matters at the 2015 Election Tribunal Cases (sic)”.

“Your allegation in these letters is not only false in all material facts but is also insidious and well calculated to tarnish my good name and reputation which I labored to build over the years. For the avoidance of doubt, it is not true that I whether as individual or in a group defrauded over 50 lawyers who purportedly handled Al Progressive Congress (APC) election matters at the 2015 Election Petition Tribunals or any other person for that matter.

“Your allegation against me which you widely circulated has occasioned odium, opprobrium and ridicule on my person and portrayed me as a fraudulent and dishonest person who is unworthy of any modicum of trust. This allegation has made me to be profiled by Security Institutions as a fraudulent and dishonest person and to also loose (sic) respect before the General Public.

“I have worked hard over the years to build a good name and reputation for myself and I will not fold my arms to watch you drag my hard earned good name and reputation in the mud. Consequently, I demand from you the following:

“(1) A Retraction of the allegations you made against me in the letters listed above and which retraction should not only be addressed to all the persons and institutions to whom you addressed or copied those letters but should also be published in two (2) widely circulated National Daily Newspaper (sic).
“(2) A written unreserved apology addressed to me – with an undertaking that you will never repeat such false allegations against me.

“(3) The sum of N100,000,000 (One Hundred Million Naira) as damages for defamation of my character.
“If the above demands are not met by you within a period of fourteen (14) days from the service of this letter on you, I shall without further reference to you initiate both Criminal and Civil Litigations against you for defamation of character.

“A word is enough for the wise.”
On the 17 of November, 2016 Yusuph was in receipt of yet another demand letter this time from Barrister Stephen Abar, demanding for the sum of five hundred million naira (N500,000,000) for what he described as “unquantifiable injury” done to his reputation.

In the letter entitled, “Re: Nomination of Steve Abbar (Esq) to the Plateau State Judicial Service Commission – Petition Against Him” and signed by Stephen T. Abar, Esq. of No. 2 Barracks Road, Opposite St. Theresa’s Parish Hall, Jos, it read:

“The above subject matter refers.
“My attention has been drawn to a libelous and malicious publication under the guise of a “petition” (hereinafter referred to as “the publication”), which you authored and sent to the Plateau State House of Assembly through the Clerk of the House, with Ref. MY/006/011/16 and dated 3rd November, 2016. In the said publication, you maliciously leveled weighty allegations of fraud against me and concerning my person and others mentioned therein.

“Annexed to the said offensive publication is a letter purportedly written by or on behalf of a group of lawyers and which you signed. In the said annexure, similar allegation of fraud was made against my person and others also mentioned therein. In further publication of the annexure, you had copied the Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association, Pankshin Branch; The Director, Directorate of State Services and the Commissioner of Police, Plateau State Command, Jos.

“For the avoidance of doubt, the allegation you made in the said publication, which suffers poverty of substance and evidence, has no shred of truth in it. It is at best a malicious, offensive and injurious publication intended to disparage and embarrass me. The publication has a further intent of depicting me in a negative way before informed members of the public, especially members of the noble Legal Profession in Nigeria of which I am a member and has served meritoriously to the highest levels.

“Your publication has exposed me to public ridicule and odium, injuriously affected my business of Legal Practice and has lowered my reputation in the estimation of my family members, friends, colleagues and other right thinking members of the society.

“Consequently, I demand that you tow the path of honour and in writing, retract the baseless and malicious allegation you made against me and issue a formal apology which you MUST circulate to all the persons you earlier published it to. I also demand damages in the sum of N500,000,000.00 (Five Hundred Million Naira) only for the unquantifiable injury done to my reputation.

“TAKE NOTICE that in the event you fail, neglect and/or refuse to accede to my demands within Seven (7) days of receipt of this letter, I shall be compelled to immediately commence legal action against you for the torts of Defamation and Injurious Falsehood.

“It is in our mutual interest if you allow wise counsel to prevail.”

Seven days after, Barr. Yusuph Garba replied all the letters, beginning with that of Stephen T. Abar written on 24th November, 2016 and addressed to him, entitled: “Re: Nomination of Steve Abbar (Esq.) to the Plateau State Judicial Service Commission – Petition Against Him – My Response and Stand”. The reply goes like this:

“I anticipated a letter like this from you and, behold, it has come as reflected in above content. My humble reply is:

“a. It is very true and correct that I wrote to the Speaker, Plateau State House of Assembly, through the Clerk of the House, a petition against you where the names of 5 five other Lawyers appeared concerning your roles in a One Hundred Million Naira (N100,000,000.00) fraud committed against over 50 (fifty) Lawyers who served on all Progressive Congress (A.P.C.) Legal Team of 2015 Election petition.

“b. The information I reflected was very CORRECT and TRUE, as it was from a revelation from Hon. Garba S. Pwul (SAN) and H. S. Ardzard (Esq.), at a meeting you tactfully avoided on the 21st April, 2016 in the office of L. D. Dafier (Esq.).

“c. In that meeting which I attended along with other Lawyers, Hon. Garba S. Pwul (SAN) and H. S. Ardzard (Esq.) revealed the following names of Lawyers whom he gave a total of N100,000,000.00 (One Hundred Million Naira0 to, for part payment to lawyers who handled A.P.C. Tribunal petitions in 2015 to include:

1. Steve Abar (Esq.)
2. H. S. Ardzard (Esq.)
3. Jim Gotom (Esq.)
4. A. B. Bako (Esq.)
5. O. S. Westly a.k.a. CHAKA (Esq.)
“d. H. S. Ardzard (Esq.), in that meeting initiated by L. D. Dafier (Esq.) the immediate past Nigerian Bar Association (N.B.A.) Chairman, Jos branch, confirmed that you people got the said money and used your DISCRETION to share same to yourselves! Hon. Garba S. Pwul (SAN) was directly present but elected to be silent on the sharing formula, and even when H. S. Ardzard said he, Hon. Garba S. Pwul (SAN) collected from the N100,000,000.00 as a TOKEN KOLA in reflection of African Tradition.

“e. I have NO APOLOGY to tender to any one of you, and I shall NOT retract my publication. I was equally correct to caution the Plateau State House of Assembly not to consider you on the Plateau State Judicial Service Commission because your conduct as revealed on the 21st April, 2016, at the mentioned meeting has the variables and elements of financial fraud. This, too, I do not regret because a State Judicial Commission is a body that must not have corrupt people like you there. You know, too, that you are not from Plateau State, so which Local Government Area are you representing from Plateau State? Are there no better Lawyers from Plateau State who are capable of occupying this hallowed Commission?

“Hon. Steve Abar (Esq.), you can see my wise argument. I await your Legal Action against me as I say it again, that I shall NOT APOLOGIZE and or RETRACT my publication.”

This letter was followed with another the following day, addressed to V. M. G. Pwul (Esq.), entitled, “Re: Demand for Immediate Retraction of Defamatory Publication Against Chief Garba S. Pwul, SAN – My Reply and Position”. In it, Barr. Yusuph Garba wrote:

“I got your letter as it relates to the above subject, and sincerely wish to say:

“a. The statements quoted represent, truly, what I wrote in the Petition against STEVE ABAR (Esq.) to the Hon. Speaker, Plateau State House of Assembly, through the Clerk of the House.

“b. I still stand by the fact that your client attended the meeting of 21st April, 2016, in the office of the immediate past Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) where H. S. ARDZARD (Esq.) revealed, in the presence of other Lawyers, how your client gave them the total sum of N100,000,000.00 (One Hundred Million Naira) for disbursement to over 50 affected Lawyers as part payment to settle their Legal Fees for the 2015 All Progressive Congress (A.P.C.) Legal Team.

“c. The revelation at that meeting was further backed by the fact that the other Lawyers (STEVE ABAR, Jim Gotum, A. B. Bako, and O. S. Westly a.k.a. CHAKA) had to BEG your client to collect even from the said N100,000,000.00 some TOKEN to fulfill an African Tradition of giving KOLA to elders (your client) for bringing a gift to a people (the Team of Lawyers).

“d. Your client was directly seated next to H. S. Ardzard (Esq.) and my humble self while L. D. Daffier (Esq.) chaired the meeting, but he, your client, did NOT DENY collecting from the said One Hundred Million Naira meant for the over 50 Lawyers on the A.P.C. Legal Team.

“e. Your Client denied that he did not tell Yusuf Ali (Esq.) that I had promised I was going to burn his Law Office in Jos, and then kill him on a busy street in Abuja, against the fact of which I later wrote letters to the Directorate of State Services and the Commissioner of Police – all of Plateau State Commands.
“f. By the quoted words you are complaining of, I merely revealed to the Plateau State House of Assembly what H. S. Ardzard (Esq.) said at the 21st April, 2016 meeting as to how STEVE ABAR (Esq.) was involved in the mess and how your Client who was all through present, could not deny. Rather your client confirmed he gave the five other Lawyers One Hundred Million Naira from His Excellency, Simon Bako Lalong, to partly pay the Lawyers on the A.P.C. Legal Team.

“g. It is very correct to say that up to this day, the affected Lawyers have not been paid their Legal Fees and nothing is said on the payments hence their move now to take a Legal action for their demands.
“All I revealed in my Petition spells fraud against me and the other over 50 Lawyers who faithfully served the present A.P.C.-led administration even at the National level.

“Your client had the immediate time to deny what H. S. Ardzard (Esq.) said at the 21st April, 2016 meeting referred to, but he conceded to the revelation made by H. S. Ardzard (Esq.) against himself and the other named Lawyers whose actions all amount to defrauding over 60 Lawyers on the A.P.C. Legal Team of 2015.

“I shall therefore NOT reach your demands as you want me to, because what I said in my petition is correct and true. The Hon. Commissioner of Justice, Plateau State, Hon. Jonathan Mawiyau (Esq.) was reported what happened at the meeting of 21st April, 2016, and all attempts made for the payment of Legal Fees for the A.P.C. Legal Team of 2015.

“I shall reveal more things at the Court trial you intend to have against my innocent person.”
And on 26th of November, 26, the third reply was made to Barr. H. S. Ardzard, entitled: “Re: Your Defamatory Letter Against My Person and Demand for Immediate Retraction and Apology – My Humble Response and Position.” It reads:

“My attention was drawn to your letter to me on the above subject issue, and I faithfully say:
“1. I shall NOT retract and apologize to you as you are demanding from me, as I have no apology to offer you on the issues you raised against my very self, so you can take the Legal Action you are preparing.
“2. You must note that there was a constituted Legal Team to handle the Legal matters at the Election Tribunal in 2015, for the All Progressive Congress (A.P.C.) and I was one of the other said Lawyers on the Team. The said Legal Team worked faithfully till the end, and you were on the said Team too.
“3. Note also that STEVE ABAR (Esq.); A. B. Bako (Esq.); Jim Gotom (Esq.); Hon. Garba & Pwul SAN; and O. S. Westly (Esq.) were all also on this Team.

“4. In an attempt to settle the issue of non-payment of Lawyers on the A.P.C. Legal Team, the immediate past Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Chairman, Hon. L. D. Dafier (Esq.) summoned a meeting in his office of No. 2 Barracks Road, Jos, on the 21st April, 2016 where you attended with other Lawyers including myself and Hon. Garba S. Pwul SAN.

“5. Recall, too, that you, at the meeting, acknowledged collecting the total sum of N100,000,000.00 (One Hundred Million Naira) from Hon. Garba S. Pwul SAN for the part payment of Legal Fees to the over (fifty) 50 Lawyers who served on A.P.C. Legal Team, with an advice to so pay the affected Lawyers using your discretion.

“6. Further note that Hon. Garba S. Pwul SAN and you mentioned other Lawyers who got the said N100,000,000.00 to include:

a. Steve Abar (Esq.)
b. Jim Gotom (Esq.)
c. A. B. Bako (Esq.), and
d. O. S. Westly a.k.a. CHAKA (Esq.)

Your response as to how you shared the said money to the affected Lawyers, when I demanded that we knew, was that you, (the five of you Lawyers who collected the money as the names appear above), had to strongly BEG Hon. Garba S. Pwul SAN to collect, and he collected some TOKEN out of the said N100,000,000.00 as African Tradition allows as KOLA for elders who bring good message to the people.

“7. Sadly then, Hon. Garba S. Pwul SAN did not rebut and or immediately deny his collecting the said TOKEN KOLA, out of the N100,000,000.00 meant for over 50 Lawyers on the A.P.C. Legal Team. He revealed, rather, that he thought he did some favour to the over 50 Lawyers on the A.P.C. Legal Team of 2015 when he caused them to be engaged!!! You did NOT, on your own part reveal the discretion you people used in your sharing to yourselves the amount of N100,000,000.00 meant for the over 50 lawyers on the Legal Team.

“8. It is correct to note that Steve Abar (Esq.), Jim Gotom (Esq.), A. B. Bako (Esq.) and O. S. Westly a.k.a. CHAKA (Esq.) did not attend the 21st April, 2016 meeting under reference, as O. S. Westly a.k.a. CHAKA (Esq.) was hospitalized.

“Having said the summary as in above, it is correct to say the said over 50 Lawyers on the A.P.C. Legal Team of 2015 Election Tribunal HAVE NOT BEEN paid their Legal Fees up to now, even after all promises Hon. Simon Bako Lalong had made before and after his assumption of office as the Executive Governor of Plateau State; the Home of Peace and Tourism. Remember that this is a Government that came to fight corruption. It is a Government on a RESCUE MISSION, but I, rather see Dog eating Dog; Lawyers defrauding Lawyers!!

“I reserve other issues since I shall say more when you shall take Criminal and Civil actions against me. If you had explained how you people shared Lawyers’ Legal Fees to yourselves, if you had paid these over 50 Lawyers their Legal Fees, then, to me, you would have had a good measure of honour. Now, by your actions, I rather smell Fraud, Corruption and Breach of Trust and misappropriation of Lawyers’ Legal Fees. You have no honor before me!!! Your hands are soiled with Lawyers’ money. Your hands are full of Blood money!

“You can see why I had to alert the Plateau State House of Assembly through the Clerk of the House, to stop STEVE ABAR (Esq.) from being nominated into the JUDICIAL SERVICE COMMISSIONER (sic) of Plateau State. He will promote and breed corruption there, because his actions are corrupt. He must not have been an ex-convict before being corrupt.” A reliable source informed this magazine that the aggrieved Lawyers have resolved to take legal action against the APC in Plateau state.



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