We have removed obstacles to economic growth, says Gov. Lalong as he declares Jos 2019 Trade Fair open.

Lalong Pavilion at the Trade Fair
 We have removed obstacles to economic growth, says Gov. Lalong as he declares Jos 2019 Trade Fair open.

By Joseph A. Adudu    
October 14, 2019

Governor Simon Bako Lalong of Plateau State has said that his administration has removed all obstacles to economic growth in the state stressing that as a result, the State Government was planning an Investment and Economic Summit within the year which according to the Governor, will further deepen the implementation of the Five Year Development Plan recently adopted by the Plateau State Executive Council. Gov. Lalong said this on Monday in his address during the opening ceremony of the 2019 Jos Trade Fair at the Polo Field, Jos, venue of the Trade Fair.

The Governor stated that as part of making the investment climate friendlier, his administration was putting in place infrastructure such as roads and street lights on major and feeder roads in the State Capital and environs as well as beautifying roundabouts with the support of corporate organisations. He said that his administration was ready to do more in line with its commitment to providing a conducive atmosphere for smooth operations and partnership with private sector under PPP arrangements.
Since assuming office in 2015, our Rescue Administration has continued to remove all obstacles that are inimical to economic growth such as insecurity, poor infrastructure, and stress of doing business among others. Today, we have made a lot of progress in turning around the security situation, such that many investors are now eager to bring their money into Plateau State and are reaping huge benefits.
Gov. Lalon with Commissioner of Finance, Hon Abe Aku

“This has not only encouraged us to do more in marketing the business and investment opportunities on the Plateau to the outside world, but equally assisted us in mapping out strategies of achieving our Next Level Vision, which has Sustainable Economic Rebirth as one of its three pillars.We are ready to do more in line with our commitment to providing a conducive atmosphere for smooth operations and partnership with private sector under PPP arrangements”.

Lalong said the administration was able to make such huge success because of its ability in turning around the security situation, such that many investors are now eager to bring their money into Plateau State and are reaping huge benefits adding that the development has not only encouraged the administration to do more in marketing the business and investment opportunities on the Plateau to the outside world, but equally assisted it in mapping out strategies of achieving its“Next Level Vision”, which has Sustainable Economic Rebirth as one of its three pillars.The Governor said the event was dear to his heart and the Rescue Administration because of its desire to not only restore the glory of the State, but also build an economy that will provide opportunities and support the entrepreneurial spirit of the Plateau man, woman and youth.
He said the theme of the 2019 Jos Trade Fair entitled; “Trade Fairs: A Platform for Promoting Tourism Potentials on the Plateau”, was a well thought out theme that supports the Government’s efforts at developing the abundant tourism potentials and re-establishing the fact that Plateau State is indeed the Home of Peace and Tourism in Nigeria and Africa.
“Plateau State as you all know is a very viable investment hub in the Nigerian tourism industry. Our cool temperature, serene and enchanting beauty and other natural gifts are begging to be utilised.

I invite both local and foreign investors to come and invest in holiday resorts, game reserves, hotels, picnic sites, entertainment, fashion and other opportunities that will meet global standard and improve tourism business. As part of making the investment climate more friendly, our Rescue Administration is putting in place infrastructure such as roads and street lights on major and feeder roads in the State Capital and environs as well as beautifying roundabouts with the support of corporate organisations.
Dignitaries at opening ceremony of the Jos 2019 Trade Fair 

“A fair such as this undoubtedly provides a window to showcase the beauty, people, and endowments of the state and serves as a forum for dialogue and exchange of ideas between producers and consumers of goods and services.
“Our government is committed to supporting the Jos Trade Fair as it opens doors for our small and medium entrepreneurs to showcase their innovations and products; having gone through various processes of training and coaching by the Plateau Small and Medium Enterprises Agency (PLASMIDA),” said Lalong.
The Governor said that Plateau State has continued to churn out high level of technological innovation such as the locally manufactured Tractor and equipment spearheaded by one, Jerry Mallo adding that only recently, a Power Bank and accessories innovation by Zang Luka Bot again retained the dominance of the State at the National MSME Awards in Abuja, where he emerged as one of the overall best nationally. Governor Lalong said that it was to showcase these and more that he directed that the Government Sponsored a Pavilion with about 20 booths at the Trade Fair, specially dedicated to showcasing Made in Plateau Products.
“This is our own way of supporting indigenous entrepreneurship and keying into the Federal Government Policy of Sustaining Local Production. This is one of the major ways we can create jobs, reduce unemployment, boost our economy, and engage our teaming youths thereby eliminating crime and idleness”, said the Governor. 

He stated that his administration was determined to radically improve the revenue base to of the state meet up with demands of providing basic services to the people saying that it was for this reason that the state government has engaged a reputable tax consulting firm to work with the Plateau State Board of Internal Revenue to achieve its goal. 

Lalong said that other steps aimed at boosting the commercial portfolio of the State include the rebuilding of the burnt Jos Main Market under a Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement, as well as providing a befitting complex which will serve as a One-Stop-Shop for investors doing business in the state. 
 Governor Lalong assured the organisers and participants at the Trade Fair of adequate security and further called on the peace loving people of Plateau State to demonstrate the usual high level of hospitality to the teeming visitors and participants and to also patronise the trade fair to the end. There were goodwill messages from Hon. Abe Aku,Commissioner for Commerce and Industry and Hon. Temakat  Weli, Commissioner for Tourism and Hospitality. Mr. Bulus  Dareng, the President of Plateau State Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (PLACCIMA) delivered the key note address. The trade fair will be closed on 27 October, 2019.

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