Social Investment Program has added value to lives of people and economy of Plateau state - ALGON Chairman.

Hon. Ezekiel Vongap, the executive Chairman Mikang LGA & Chairman ALGON, Plateau state Chapter addressing pressmen immediately after the presentation of a document containing record of implementation of Social Investment Programme in Plateau state.
Social Investment Program has added value to lives of people and economy of Plateau state - ALGON Chairman.

By Joseph A. Adudu
October 16, 2019.

The Social Investment Program (SIP) is said to be a wonderful initiative which has added real value to lives of people in rural communities in Plateau state. This was the submission of Hon. Ezekiel Volgap, the executive Chairman, Mikang Local Government, Plateau state and the chairman of the Plateau state chapter of Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON) in a chat with press men immediately after the presentation of a document containing implementation record of SIP in Plateau state in the last four years by the State Government let by Prof. Danladi Atu, the Secretary to the Government of the state.

The ALGON chairman said that SIP has been a wonderful program because it has added value to communities in Plateau educationally, agriculturally and economically and helped immensely in boosting series of developmental activities in the state. “The program has been a wonderful one because it has added value to rural populace educationally, agriculturally and economically. In the area of employment, I would tell you that the youths have been adequately engaged. In the area of agriculture, the Home Grown School Feeding Program has adequately engaged farmers on the Plateau who produced what pupils are fed with in schools. That too has added value to the agricultural sector of the state. In terms of the economically, the Conditional Cash Transfer component of the SIP has really boosted the economy activities in the state. As you had listened to the Focal-Person, billions of naira has been sunk into the program. The implication is that economic activities have been boosted because the monies were being spent here in Plateau state", said the ALGON chairman.

He further said that the Home Grown School Feeding Program has improved school enrollment in the state which hitherto was low adding that the program has also added nutritional value to pupils. “In summary, I would say SIP has actually impacted positively and added value on the people and economy of the state", he said.
As SIP program enters the 2nd phase of implementation, Volgap advised that there should be strict supervision and monitoring to ensure that only those that are in need benefit. "My strong advice as we go into the 2nd phase of the program is that there should be strict supervision and monitoring. Because no matter the good intention of government through the program, without proper supervision and monitoring, the essence would be defeated. They should ensure that only those that are in need, particularly those that have been captured in the 2nd phase (about 80, 000 households) and the focus should remain on the poorest of the poor". The ALGON chairman commended the efforts of Dr. Hamza for the success she has achieved in monitoring the implementation of the program in Plateau state in the last four years.
Hon. Vongap (r) with Prof. John Wade Director, Research & Documentation, Government House at the event yesterday.

The Social Investment Program, an initiative of the Federal Government was flagged - up in 2016 by President Muhammad Buhari to boost productivity, especially amongst the marginalized and vulnerable, including women; stimulate economic activities in unreached areas; help create sustainable jobs; improve livelihood; engender stability and security in communities and ultimately, reduce poverty amongst other strategic objectives.

Shortly after the Presidential flagged- off, Governor Lalong appointed a Focal-Person, Dr. Sumaye Hamza and thereafter, provided all the necessary requisites for implementation to commence in the state. So far, all the four components of the program namely; The job creation popularly known as NPower, The National Home Grown school Feeding (NHGSF), The Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) and The Government Enterprise Empowerment Program (GEEP) are being implemented in the state. Consequently, the state government on Tuesday presented a document containing implementation record of SIP in the state in the first tenure of the Lalong administration (2016 to 2019).

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