The Local Government Election recently conducted in Plateau state is a pointer to two things that could happen in 2019- Barr. Madaki

Barr Madaki
The Local Government Election recently conducted in Plateau state is a pointer to two things that could happen in 2019- Barr. Madaki
Adamu Izang Madaki is a private legal practitioner based in Jos. Recently, he granted interview to African Drum and spoke his mind on the just concluded Local Government Election in Plateau state; the Executive Order and other sundry issues. Here are the Excerpts.

What is your take on the outcome of the recently conducted Local Government Elections in Plateau State by the Plateau State Independent Electoral Commission (PLASIEC)?

Let me start by commending the people of Plateau State in the 13 Local Governments that witnessed the election. People came out in mass to cast their votes and expressed their dissatisfaction in the process. But unfortunately, should I say PLASIEC was not prepared or it was a deliberate ploy to thwart and frustrate the mandate of the people as we have seen. Citizens and local observers have seen that the wish of the electorates at the end of the day did not materialize. So, we can say, it was a good turnout, people came out to elect their representatives but at the end of the day, the decisions did not count. Don’t forget, the local government system is a very fundamental aspect of democracy, unfortunately, that was truncated
Last year, the Plateau State House of Assembly passed two Laws, (PLASIEC Law and the Local Government Law respectively) which Governor Lalong assented to only the PLASIEC law but the local government has not been assented to. What is the implication of this, more so regarding to the local government election that was just conducted.

Very important. The local government law is actually meant to be the law operational to guide the local government system and local government administration in Plateau State. So, if local governments don’t have a law it means people can do whatever they want to do. And let’s not forget, the basis for law in the society is to regulate human conduct so, when there is no law, of course people can decide to do what they chose to do. It’s a very sad situation and of course our governor should know better being a legal practitioner, that when there is no law there is no way you can regulate human conduct. It’s an unfortunate situation that the local government law has not been assented to by the governor and that leaves a very sore taste in our mouths as far as local government administration is concerned. Be reminded again that the local government system is the closest to the people. And how do you nurture democracy? You start from the local government level.

Those of us who have been following constitutional development in Nigeria know that the Supreme Court has held, particularly in that popularly case between Attorney-General of Abia State against the Attorney-General of the Federation and 35 others when the court simply said that it’s the state government that is responsible for local government administration in Nigeria. That means, if a state does not take local government system seriously, it means the local government system has been hijacked. So, we without the local government law in Plateau State that means the local government can operate at the whims and caprices of personalities which shouldn’t be the case.

Now that the Local Government elections have been conducted without a prescribed tenure for the representative since (there is no law to that effect), what danger in your view do you think that portends to democracy?

One characteristic of democracy is periodic elections. so, if a tenure is not given, there will be a problem because it cannot be a government forever. Consequently, that has already caused an ambiguity because tenures are for certain reasons so that those elected can measure, assess and evaluate themselves and to also know they should render account to the electorates. Again, we must also blame the legislature because can the law makers having gone through the vigorous process of law making and it has not been assented to and they all keeps mute over it. It’s very dangerous. Again, how could you have worked and passed a bill that had no tenure? This raises so many questions on the role of the legislature and even the executive. But just like I said earlier, it’s unfortunate because even as we speak right now, they don’t have tenure and of course you know what that means in a democracy.

Pundits have observed that PLASIEC’s decision regarding the local government elections was a litmus test for 2019 general elections; do you share in this view?

Very well. But the good aspect of it is that democracy is growing. The growth of democracy first of all starts with the populists, the citizenry. The awareness is high, participation is high and you can even see that people are orderly and peaceful. They go to polling units to cast their votes and they are interested in what is happening. But institutionally, we have serious problems. So, with the electorates, we are seeing a growth, but with our institutions, it appears we are not learning our lessons. If the Plateau State Local Government election is anything to go by, we should expect so much in 2019. We are going to witness two things; one, we would see what is called people power or people resolved. People would make up their mind to go the way they want to go. Second, we are going to see the intervention of the institutions.
Now, depending on interventions; if they are good, we would have a peaceful elections but if the interventions are not good, then people power may actually prevailed and we may have what is called a state of anarchy but God forbids that. So, the institutions should learn to allow the system to run publicly. Democracy is a government of the people so allow the people elect their leaders.

What would be your advice to Governor Lalong, who is your colleague regarding due process and observant to rule of law.

The legal profession has what is called Rules or professional Ethics. The Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) constitution is clear. It talks about the cardinal responsibility of every lawyer which is to defend and protect justice and the rule of law. Any other thing is not allowed by our profession. So, my candid advice to His Excellency, the governor of Plateau State (he has been a senior colleague of mine) is that he should take into cognizance the fact that rule of law does not only benefits the state but also benefits the citizens because it gives them confidence in their government. Most of what we have witnessed in Nigeria was as a result of suppression and injustice. People are tensed up so a little spark of crisis you see the damage is so high because people are looking for means to ventilate. But where there is justice, that is the rule of law, you will discover that certain restive activities are minimized. So I am calling on our dear governor to always call his foot soldiers to order because they are the ones who are mostly overzealous, trying to do and undo. They should play the game according to the rules.

What is your take on the executive order by President Muhammadu Buhari which places travel ban on about 50 Nigerians?

Well, my take is just similar to what my learnt Senior Advocate of Nigeria; Femi Falana stated few days ago that it was needless. Why is it needless? Every political exposed person standing trial for one corrupt allegation or the other is first of all,( going by the constitution), presumed innocent until proven guilty. Now, by effecting a travel ban or whatever they called it, what are you trying to say? Invariably you are saying the person is guilty. Second, all of them submitted their travel documents to the registrars of the court prosecuting them. They cannot travel except the court grants them that permission and that it is why we are saying it is needless. All that needs to be done is to strengthened the judiciary, strengthened the institutions that fight corruption and you will see the system running perfectly. To me, this is one way of trying to frustrate Nigerians or to gag them. The average Nigerian should be concern about this because the 50 people under reference are either our relations or friends. So, for instance one of them decides to assist you with money for your child school fees, the next thing you hear is that you have received money from somebody who is corrupt. So, it’s going to be a very funny situation. Allow the court to do its job. What we should be talking about should be things like special court; court handling corruption cases should not longer go on vacation. Yes, things like that aids fast tracks the process, but when you place a travel ban, it certainly gives cause for concern.

You can see that many people are saying that it is renaissance of decree 2 of those days. Whatever the case, the constitution guarantees freedom, of though; freedom of association and even freedom to own property in any part of Nigeria and the government should be able to preserve those freedoms.

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