Plateau state is in bondage: Gov. Lalong, a product of due process and rule of law has failed to give same back to the society – Wadak

Plateau state is in bondage: Gov. Lalong, a product of due process and rule of law has failed to give same back to the society – Wadak

Isaac Wadak is a retired Permanent Secretary in the Plateau State Civil Service. A Certified National Accountant, a business man and a politician. He was an aspirant for the Plateau Central Senatorial District in the just concluded PDP primaries. In this exclusive interview with African Drum, he bares his mind on the administration of Governor Lalong, the recent concluded Local Government election in Plateau state among other pressing issues.
 Enjoy the excerpts.

Sir, you declared your interest to contest for the Plateau Central Senatorial Seat but later dropped your ambition. Were you forced to drop or you did it voluntarily?

 No. I was not force to drop. As you are aware, five of us from the Angas ethnic stock declared interest and in the wisdom of stakeholders; it was resolved that we should reach an agreement and allowed one person to go for secondary election. So, we met severally but we couldn’t reach a compromise on a person, consequently, we sought for a third party to intervene.  I also submitted myself to the process set by the third party which eventually, did not favour me as I didn’t come out successfully. In that process, Alexander Mwolwus came first. And going by the arrangement or agreement, we had to rally round him and give him the maximum support and that is exactly what I did.

 So one can be right to say that you succumbed to the yearning of your community?


 Your party, the PDP recently concluded its primaries in which Senator Jeremiah Timbut Useni who is above 70 years beat other younger aspirants to emerge winner. What do you make of this development taking into account that Useni could be the oldest governor since the advent of democracy in Nigeria if he eventually wins the secondary election?

 I want to take an exception to the issue of age when it comes to electioneering matters. Over time, we have history of people who were much older than Useni that became governors. The case of Adekunle Ajasin is still fresh in our minds. He was very old but performed creditably well as governor of old Ondo state. (We), dedicated members of the PDP believe that the emergence of Useni came through a fair process. And I want to say that the young people are in sync with him. I am saying so because we conducted an analysis of all the delegates that performed the exercise and I can tell you that more than 85 per cent of both statutory and ad-hoc delegates were made up of young people mostly below the age of 50. So, there is something they saw in this man that prompted them to give him the mandate. And don’t forget that when late GNS Pwajok, a young man that contested the governorship in 2015, got the full support of J.T. Useni.In the light of this, the youths are probably looking at it from that perspective. Though from my recent discussion with some of the youths, they felt that there is the need for Useni to close up the gap between them because they feel there is a distance between them and him. But I believe in no distant time, this issue would be addressed. But in all, the youths have much confidence and trust in Useni.

 A lot of promises were made by the APC which ushered in the Lalong led administration in Plateau State. Would you say that Gov. Lalong has kept to his promises in line with his rescue mission?

 Will, to me, the rescue mission has not been properly defined for anyone to understand it’s all about. I don’t know whether the rescue mission was just to rescue them from the purported mistake of Jang or from what? I really don’t know. So far, the Plateau person instead of being rescue is still in bondage. Do your independent investigation and found out whether the Plateau person has been rescued or not.

 How would you access the administration of Lalong generally?

 In percentages or from just a particular sector?

 Lets look at the issue of security, how would you assess him based on that?

 Lalong has performed poorly in this area. Because almost every day when you wake up, the first thing you hear about Plateau State is death, blood, chaos and arson. It is that bad and very unfortunate.

. On the Economy?

 When you talk of economy, you know basically, Plateau State is more of a commercial and trading town because there are no manufacturing industries. And when you talk of trading, you are talking of markets, but where are the markets in Plateau State? Have you seen any serious trading going on? So, that is the aspect of the economy you can talk about. Manufacturing, you already know, all the industries in the state are in comatose; they are not working, they are not producing.

PLASIECE just conducted Local government elections in the state which the state government said it was free, fair, transparent and credible. Do you agree to that and would you also say that the outcome of the election was a reflection of the electorates?

 Yes, the elections were free, fair and credible but the end result is what I can say is not free, fair and credible. I was physically present in my Local Government during the elections and I know what happened from the polling units up to ward levels. You know how it works. When results are collated at the ward level and the jubilation follows, celebrating with the candidate that won. In my ward, it is the same thing. We know the person that won only to be told later that the returning officer was nowhere to be found to receive the results from the wards. And I was made to understand that a similar thing happened in all the other local government areas that the exercise was carried out only for PLASIEC to announce some different results concocted by it. It’s very unfortunate and disturbing. I can tell you that Governor Lalong has compounded his problems by further loosing the trust of the people of Plateau state following the charade exercise in the name of election. I am beginning to believe the speculation, though not exactly profound that the election conducted was not done with good intention. That It was only meant to justify the expenditure that was going to be incurred in carrying out the exercise. If the election was not conducted, there was going to be serious problem in explaining to the people of Plateau state how this sum of money came out from the government coffers. Because it is as if all these things were pre-determined.

 Would you say your party, is vindicated, because prior to the elections, series of statements were made by your party accusing the ruling APC of pre-determining its outcome.

. Absolutely, my party is vindicated and the people of Plateau and lovers of democracy are vindicated too.

. What does this portends?

 Misery, Absolute misery. You can’t tell me that Local Government Chairmen in Plateau State were inaugurated yesterday without the usual funfair. This is the height of misery for the people of Plateau State. It is sad, very sad.

 What is your advice to the people of Plateau state?

A. My advice is that the people should remain calm and follow legitimate means of redressing their grievances. The people of the State by now should know that we need real demonstrates to lead us. We need people who believe in democracy. For goodness sake, Lalong is a product of due process and rule of law. so, I see no reason why he can’t give back to the society what it gave him. For over three years he has deprived the third tier system democratic governance, yet he is a beneficiary of it. So, it’s sad. I really don’t know whether Lalong is a democrat or anarchist. As far as am concern, this is a recipe for anarchy.

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