By Lovins Yakubu
24th March, 2018
The Plateau Initiative for the Development and Advancement of the Natives (PIDA) has called on government to re-strategies its security architecture with the view to putting an end to incessant attacks by suspected Fulani  Militia in Plateau State.
PIDAN is an umbrella organisation that coordinates the activities of autonomous communities’ development associations in Plateau. state.
In a statement signed by its President, Dr Madaki J.K Aboi, the body expressed its worry and sadness with the continued resurgence of incessant and serial attacks of communities on the Plateau by suspected  Militia.
The statement said the  resurgence of attacks was first noted on the eve of President Buhari’s visit to Plateau in Daffo in Bokkos LGA and continued against the Irigwe in Bassa over the weeks and finally extended to Dong Kasa in Jos North.
The statement continued, “The Thursday March 22, 2018 night attack on Dong Kasa was said to have left three youths dead and several others seriously injured. PIDAN commiserates with the families of those who lost their beloved ones and pray that the souls of the departed rest in perfect peace as well as wish the injured fast recoveries. We however, note that the systematic and the progressed destruction of ready-for harvest dry season farmlands in the affected communities with grant concern. We are forced to ask that given the current scenario” Is Plateau State under siege by the Herdsmen.
“While we condemn these series of unprovoked attacks in its entirety, we call on appropriate government agencies and security operatives to make concerted efforts to put a stop to this wanton destruction of lives and property”.
Dr Madaki
PIDA also commended the steps taken so far by government to stern the attacks and call on it to foot the medical bills of the injured and provide logistics through SEMA to those who survived the attacks in the three communities of Daffo, Irigwe and Dong Kasa to enable them reintegrate well and quickly.
 Continuing, PIDA said, “we are aware that Nigerians living on the Plateau are very religious and neither the Bible nor the Qur’an equates the life of an animal with that of human being. We however, find it difficult to understand why a Herdsman will kill a farmer or any person under the pretext of cattle rustling. PIDAN wish to appeal to all the umbrella organisations of the Fulani on the Plateau to ensure they educate their members to respect the sanctity of life as enshrined in the holy books and seek legal means of addressing cattle rustling instead of wanton killings of innocent citizens.
“We view the orchestrated attacks on communities with resultant destruction of lives, houses and farmlands as a grand design to render the agrarian villagers weak and dispossess them of their ancestral farmlands as has been the case in Riyom and Barkin Ladi LGAs where some community settlements are now occupied by the militia.
We appeal for calm in the affected communities and call on them to be vigilant, share relevant information within them and report appropriately any suspicious movements of people, especially those suspected to be new in their respective communities”.

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