Comr. Manji
You celebrated workers’ day yesterday, what would you say is the difference between this year’s celebration and previous years?

For us on the Plateau, it was unique for the fact that for many years, we have not had the governor of the state celebrating with workers on the day. But this year, Governor Lalong celebrated with us. So I can say that the relationship between workers and the government is being consolidated this time and that also shows the difference between this year’s celebration and the previous years.

How has been the relationship between workers on the Plateau and the administration of Governor Simon Bako Lalong?

Governor Simon Bako Lalong is a labour friendly governor and has demonstrated that in many ways to the admiration of the workers. First, you can see that he has personally celebrated the day with workers unlike what we experienced in the past. Second, the governor has also demonstrated his consideration for workers by offsetting backlog of salaries and pension arrears and so many other issues. So, in summary, I can say that the relationship between the workers on the Plateau and the governor Lalong led administration so far has been cordial and I pray that it continues in this manner.

In a nutshell you are satisfied with the way and manner Governor Lalong has handled the activities of workers on the Plateau.

Well, to some extent. You know as workers, we are like Oliver Twist; always asking for more and as it is clearly indicated by our motto: “Aluta Continua”, we shall continue to struggle for many things. Most of the issues I am talking about are not peculiar to Plateau State only. But I think with commitment and due diligence, Governor Lalong and his counter parts in other states can address the pressing issues facing not just the workers but the masses. One important aspect of Labour Union people don’t understand is that the Labour Union is not just out to struggle for salaries of workers only. Our struggle is holistic. We try as much as possible to put government on its toes to ensure that it addresses every facet of the economy. The health, education and tourism sectors as well infrastructural development. Take for instance, the issue of fuel and kerosene. A liter of fuel is N145 as at today and those who are fortunate (that is the elite) can afford to buy but how about the downtrodden and the less privileged? How about Kerosene which ought to be the source of energy for the masses and the poor? A litre of that commodity goes for about N200 and with the current economic situation, how many homes, how many families can afford kerosene today for their day to day use? So, government should embark on meaningful policies that would have positive and direct bearing on the masses. In a nutshell, what labour union keeps saying is that all the people in Nigeria should be carried along not just workers and that has always been the position of the labour union. Our concern is about the social, security, economic and political well being of the people of Nigeria.

Look at the State of Education in Plateau State. At a point in time the quality of Education in Plateau State was high but today the reverse is the case. Now, if the past administration in the State neglected education, what is current administration doing about it. One expects that the Lalong administration would have reconsider the issue of education and revive it, because any society that is not educated becomes vulnerable to all sort of societal ills. We also want this administration to look at agriculture and infrastructural development and so many other developmental issues and that is why I said we wouldn’t give the government pass mark completely. But I know a lot of issues are on the pipeline.

However, we must also appreciate governor Lalong on the issue of security. Peace has been restored and we urge him to sustain that. Whatever means or strategy the governor had adopted we call on the government to consolidate on that because peace remains fragile and if you have gotten it, you must handle it with utmost care to ensure sustainability.

Our recreational sectors have come to live and this is because there is peace. Look at the area of sports, especially football where Plateau United is on top of the professional League table all these because of the encouragement of this government otherwise, they wouldn’t have achieved this. So, we want the government to sustain so many good things they have started. Those programmes or projects the government cannot solely execute should collaborate with the Federal Government to ensure the execution of these projects.

What are some of the challenges of your Union?

Comr. Manji 
One of the major challenges of my Union is the HND - Degree dichotomy among members. You know we are technical people and government in its wisdom established the technical colleges of education, polytechnics and so on to produce HND graduates and graduates of other certificates. However, some people out of mere administrative mischief have decided to relegate HND holders to the background. But I have said this severally, if the HND is not important then it should be scrapped. That is one major challenge members of my union are facing. But let me tell you, if government actually has the intention of diversifying the economy without given consideration to technical aspect of it, I can assure you that we are going nowhere, because anything that has to do with diversification of the economy (that is moving away from one source of income which is petroleum), must be achieved through technology with experts trained for such delivery and these experts are the HND holders. And if you don’t give them the motivation then there would be a problem. However, the National Council of Establishments has already given the go ahead to state governments and other institutions of government to take HND holders into considerations. The Nigerian customs has taken the lead by placing the Degree and HND holders at par and that means HND holders can go beyond level 14 which hitherto was the last level one could attain as an HND holder. Diploma holders can rise up to level 13 while the HND holders to 14, so, what kind of injustice is this? Why would one suffer to obtain HND certificate that will only guarantee just one level difference with OND holder? Now, the customs has effected that change and I hope the entire system will also key into this development and also do the needful. AUPCTRE as a union has been championing this cause and fighting against this injustice. The National Assembly has already passed a bill breaking the dichotomy between the two certificates but I don’t know why a circular has not been issued out by the office of the Head of Service of the Federation to that effect.

Another challenge is that our members are always exposed to risks and all sort of health hazards. For instance, JMDB who are engaged in all sort of environmental activities need good packages so as to encourage them. The government needs to reconsider their hazard allowances and other incentives to encourage them and not the peanut they received despite exposure to all sort of dangers.

What is your advice to workers on the Plateau with regard to their relationship with government?

Ideally, relationship is supposed to be reciprocal. Now that the government has shown some degree of commitment towards the needs of workers, the workers too should reciprocate by fulfilling their part of obligation so as to encourage the government. In any case, who are the government? We ourselves are the government. So, it is erroneous if you engage in a negative action believing that you are doing that to frustrate an individual in government. We need to deviate from that kind of mentality. However, I must give kudos to the workers in Plateau State because they have demonstrated high degree of maturity in their conducts and in performing their duties whether they are paid or not. To me this is the highest form of patriotism. Another issue I need to raise is in the area of training and retraining which government needs to make a priority. For instance, if you go to ministry of works yard, you would see a lot of machines being manned by very few people who would soon retire without training others. So, government should employ more people to be trained by these technical people before retirement otherwise they would go with their experiences and talents. I am calling on the government of Plateau State to employ more people in technical areas and have orientation by the old hands before they leave service. In all, I have the conviction that Plateau and Nigeria would be great again. 

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