The Tragic Accident Which Led To The Death Of Female Footballers  Contracted By The Jos North Local Government To Participate In The "Ngo Talatu Jang Female Football Tournament" That Year In Shendam.  

The Parents of These Dead Girls Narrated Their Ordeal To African Drum.




Our man did not find it difficult to trace the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Uwandu, the parent of late Mercy Uwandu at Alheri Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State Nigeria. Mercy was a member of the Jos North Female Football Team popularly known as Rock City Queens that was involved in a ghastly motor accident in December 2008 at Dorowa Babuje, leading to her death and the death of almost all other team members.

As our man introduced himself and his mission, tears started rolling down her cheeks. While still sobbing, she narrated how useful and dedicated Mercy was to the family, describing her as “a woman with a man’s heart.”

She said, “I can’t believe Mercy is gone. She was the breadwinner of this family from the little money she made during tournaments and competitions. She was also promising as she was determined to do much in life.

“That determination earned her admission into the University of Jos. Ever since her demise; I have not been myself anymore. This country is not worth sacrificing for. Imagine, children died in the course of serving this state and government has not deemed it fit to commiserate with us. It is unfortunate,” she added.

Indeed, Mrs. Uwandu looked traumatized. According to our findings, late Mercy while playing football enrolled at the University of Jos and until her demise that year, was a 400-level student in the Business Management Department.

It was a similar story at the house of Mr. John Oyetego of Anguwan Suya, Jos, a consultant with the Plateau State Ministry of Sports, whose daughter Na’omi, the youngest player of the Rock City Queens, also died in the accident. John looked distraught and wanted to be left alone. The enlarged photograph of late 12-year-old Na’omi was still hanging on the wall in the sitting room and Na’omi seemed to be smiling down at him. Like Mercy, John described late Na’omi as a very hardworking and dedicated child.

“She was the last born of my children, but she seemed to be more concerned about us than the others. Na’omi always brought home whatever stipends she made during tournaments. I received the death of Na’omi with rude shock. Since then, my world seems to have turned upside down.

More so that those who contracted her for the assignment that terminated her life have not expressed sympathy. It is this kind of negligence by government that made athletes even at the national level to demand for their entitlements upfront before donning the Nigerian colours at international and global competitions,” John said.

According to Kenneth Eze, the year 2008 was a year he cannot easily forget. According to him, it was a year of double tragedy. Eze, a mechanic at Farin Gada, a suburb of Jos, said that year, he lost his beloved wife to a strange illness. The corpse was taken to the South-Eastern part of the country for burial. Shortly after the funeral rites, family members prevailed on him not to make a hasty return to Jos with his children until the family offered last prayers for the peaceful repose of the soul of his wife, a counsel Eze had no alternative but to accept.

Soon afterwards, one of his children, Augustina, a footballer, informed him about a certain telephone call she received from a sports official in Jos North Local Government Council, followed by another from her then coach, Zakari Ahmed.

In her explanation to her father, she said that a female football tournament among the 17 local government areas of Plateau State in honour of the  then First Lady of Plateau state, Ngo Talatu Jang, was being organized and she was picked to be among the Jos North Local Government contingent. That news suddenly cut short Mr. Eze’s plan of a prolonged stay in the village and a hurried return with Augustina to Jos.

On the 21st of December 2008, Augustina bid her family goodbye as she was set to join her colleagues for the onward journey to Shendam, venue of the tournament.
“I asked her if they were returning that same day, she said that depended on the arrangement put in place by government,” said Eze.

According to him, “All efforts to reach her on her cell phone in the evening that day proved abortive.” He said that the following day, while he was at his late wife’s shop, one of his daughters called to inform him of an accident involving the bus conveying the female football team.
“Immediately I heard this news, I slumped. When I regained consciousness, I learnt that not all the occupants in the vehicle died and that my daughter could be one of the survivors. Hours later, my daughter called again to inform me that many of the footballers in the vehicle had died, including Augustina. I slumped again and was rushed to hospital,”.

Just like others, Eze could not believe his daughter is dead stressing that sometimes, he feels as if he is responsible for his daughter’s death, for allowing her to cut short her stay in the East while still mourning the death of her mother to honour a request by government, only for her to die in the course of service, yet the same government has not deemed it fit to commiserate with the family.

According to Eze, “With this kind of treatment from government to its citizens, how can citizens develop the zeal to serve their fatherland?”

In the words of Miriam Ibrahim, one of the survivors of the accident, “Plateau State has no regard for athletes. I remain to ever regret playing for the local government.”


It will be recalled that “Rock City Queens”, left Jos on 21st December, 2008 to Shendam, venue of the Plateau State First Lady Female Football Competition among the 17 LGAs of the state. During their homeward journey that evening, tragedy struck as the J5 bus conveying the players had a head-on collision with a Golf car and burst into flames. 

Of the six occupants in the Golf car, only one survived, and of the 18 passengers in the J5 bus conveying the players, 12 were roasted to ashes, including 12-year-old Na’omi John, their coach, Ganiyu and his assistant Khalid Yero. Others included Augustina Kenneth, Catherine Okpoko, Happiness Primus, Mary Shom, Comfort Agwu, Vicky Joseph, Angela Utuka, Mercy Uwandu and Jummai Ishaku.

The then governor of the state, Pastor Jonah David Jang, his wife, Ngo Talatu (on whose behalf the tournament was organized) and the authority of Jos North Local Government which the lads represented, all made earth-shaking promises during the mass burial of these children. Of significance was the directive by Jang that parents of the deceased should see him at Government House, Rayfield, but there the story ended.

All efforts of these parents to see Jang or his spouse Talatu proved abortive. The parents of the children have been molested, mocked at and insulted even by some government officials over the years. Some of the parents recalled with dismay a particular incident when a government official told them that they were behaving as if they were the first parents to lose their children.

Those who spoke to African Drum condemned the attitude of the government, adding that a nation cannot be built without adequate care and concern for the youths, especially those that have volunteered to serve their fatherland. The attitude of the government was further described as barbaric, inhuman and uncultured.

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